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Startup Conference EURNOR

Research Centre on the European Dimension of Norwegian Law is inviting all interested parties to a Startup Conference. 

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The program from 9AM to 1:15PM will be in English, while the program from 1:15PM to 4PM will be held in Norwegian.


09.00 - 09.15  Welcome address: Professor Ole-Andreas Rognstad, University of Oslo

09.15 - 11.30  Session 1: Comparative and external perspectives on the implementation of EU law in national law
Session chair before the break: Associate Professor Stian Øby Johansen; after the break: Professor Geir Ulfstein

  • National Implementation of EU Law: The German Experience: Professor Andreas Paulus, University of Göttingen, Germany
  • National Implementation of EU Law: The Danish Experience: Ass. Professor Sune Klinge, Copenhagen University, Denmark

  • 10.20- 10.30  Break
  • Challenges concerning national implementation of EU environmental law: Professor Aine Ryall, University College Cork, Ireland

  • The relationship between the European Court of Justice and national actors: Professor Daniel Naurin, University of Oslo

  • 11.30 - 12.30  Lunch (Domus Bibliotheca)

12.30 - 15.15  Session 2: Compliance and enforcement of EEA-law in Norway
Session chair before the break: Professor Finn Arnesen; after the break: Professor Ingunn Ikdahl

  • 12.30 - 13.15    Melpo-Menie Joséphides, Director, Department of Legal & Executive Affairs, EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA):  Enforcement of EEA law – challenges and possibilities 

  • 13.15 - 13.30  Break

  • 13.30 - 14.30  Enforcement in practice - specific deep dives from various areas of law 

  • Introduction to this part of the program - Professor Christoffer Conrad Eriksen
  • A collection of introductions:
    • The Boards of Appeal Secretariat (Klagenemndssekretariatet), by CEO Anneline Vingsgård
    • The Anti-Discrimination Tribunal by senior adviser Sunniva Ingermårsen
    • The Financial Supervisory Authority by senior adviser Ann Viljugrein 
    • The consumer field by Vebjørn Wold, Doctoral Research Fellow - Department of Private Law, University of Oslo
    • The National Insurance Court by Leif Erlend Johannessen, head of the court's EEA committee
  • 14.30 - 14.45  Break
  • 14.45 - 15.15  Panel discussion with the speakers - Session chair: Professor Vibeke Blaker Strand

15.15 - 15.45  Session 3: Teaching in EU/EEA law: Outline for a teaching model: Professor Erling Hjelmeng, University of Oslo (this part of the program will be held in Norwegian)
Session chair Professor Ole-Andreas Rognstad

15.45 - 16.00   Closing remarks


Please submit your registration through our 'nettskjema' - within the 20th of September.

Published Sep. 15, 2023 9:11 AM - Last modified Oct. 23, 2023 11:44 AM