Norwegian version of this page

Publications - Page 18

Published June 13, 2018 12:06 PM

The Food, Human Rights and Corporations (FoHRC) Research and action network, which is affiliated to the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR), is pleased to present a new collection of papers based on one of its seminars held in collaboration with FIAN Norway, and this time also the Norwegian National Nutrition Council.

The seminar from which material to the Occasional Paper #10-2018 is provided from, dealt with aspects of nutritional health as impacted through the intermediary of the diet and in a human rights perspective. With the title Human Rights and Healthy Diets, the seminar was pre-announced by asking Does the food industry have a responsibility to respect the human right to adequate food and diet-related health?. The seminar took as a point of departure the challenges to businesses and governments seen through the lens of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, illuminated by five different actors.