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Publications - Page 31

Publisert 27. mai 2015 15:44

Sammen med den nederlandske forskeren Nadia Sonneveld har stipendiat Monika Lindbekk skrevet en artikkel om utviklinger i egyptisk shari'a-basert familierett etter revolusjonen i 2011.

Published Mar. 27, 2015 2:58 PM

The article of Błażej Kuźniacki, PhD Research Fellow at the Department of Public and International ( a member of the Research Group Companies, Markets, Society and the Environment) titled "EEA Exemption from Norwegian CFC rules" that was published in the Norwegian tax journal Skatterett 3/2014, pp. 260–302 is nominated for the price "The Article of the Year - 2014" of the Universitetsforlaget.

Published Mar. 27, 2015 2:22 PM

Marek Linha graduated from the University of Oslo in 2014. His master thesis titled Counter-terrorism and social rights: The assessment of adverse effects of counter-terrorism on social rights of families of terror suspects and convicts in Indonesia investigates how the enforcement of counter-terrorism measures in Indonesia has led to serious interference with social rights of families of terror suspects and convicts, potentially amounting to violations of international human rights law.

The NCHR Indonesia programme assisted Marek with realizing an internship at a research institute in Indonesia, as well as conducting a field trip, making it possible for him to collect important data. He is currently working as an advisor at the Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers (NOAS).

Published Jan. 26, 2015 3:00 PM

Anne Christine Lie graduated from the University of Oslo in 2014. Her master thesis is titled Rethinking Rural Resistance in China: A Case Study of the 2011 Wukan Incident in Guandong province.

This thesis is a qualitative study of how the Wukan case, in which people protested the illegal sale of their farmland, can contribute to our understanding of rural unrest in China. The thesis considers this through the theory of rightful resistance, as put forth by Kevin O’Brien and Li Lianjiang.

Anne Christine Lie was affiliated with the NCHR through the China Programme, from which she received a master student scholarship.

Published Dec. 16, 2014 3:36 PM

Kristian Espelid graduated from the University in Bergen in 2014. His master thesis titled Judicial Independence in China: A Post-totalitarian Story examines to what extent the Chinese judiciary is politically independent, and identifies the factors that can help explain the degree of judicial independence.

Kristian was affiliated with the NCHR through the China Programme, from which he received a master student scholarship.