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Thematic group on tax law

Taxes and fees are necessary in every well-functioning society. It is the public sector's most important source of income and entails extensive payment obligations on natural and legal persons.

About the group

The central question is how economic values should be created and distributed in a society. Taxes and fees can also be used to influence behavior more specifically, for example by levying a tax on the production of mineral oil or stimulating sales of electric cars.

For income that is linked to activity in several countries, international questions arise related to the distribution of taxation between countries.

Insight into tax law provides an understanding of personal finances, and the finances of businesses and society.

The purpose of the group

The Group is closely related to the project Skatterett@jus at the University of Oslo and is intended to supplement the project. The Group will arrange seminars in tax law, which are open to everyone who works with tax, and to students who are writing a master's thesis in tax law or have a special interest for the subject.

The Group has just started and is under development.


The group are established for the period 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2024.

Leader of the group

The thematic group is led by Anders Bernhard Mikelsen, Department of private law

Primary members

  • Anders Bernhard Mikelsen, Assosiate Professor, Department of private law
  • Daksha Sriragulan, PhD Candidate, Department of private law (deputy)
  • Oskar Emil Kornelius Dybvik, PhD Candidate, Department of private law
  • John Asland, Professor, Department of private law

Associated members

  • Frederik Zimmer, Professor emeritus, Department of public and international law
  • Arvid Aage Skaar, Professor emeritus, Department of public and international law

Academic staff at universities and university colleges are most welcome as associate members. Students with a particular interest in tax law are welcome as student members.

If you would like to join the professional group or are interested in attending our events, please send an e-mail to Anders Mikelsen.

Published Oct. 18, 2022 1:34 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 10:32 AM