Protocol on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships [*]

Done at: London

Date enacted: 1973-07-13

In force: 1977-06-02

The Governments parties to the present Protocol;

Being Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, I960, and to the Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971;

Considering that the requirements of Chapters II and III of the said Convention could be modified in the case of passenger ships registered in their countries and engaged in the carriage of large numbers of unberthed passengers in special trades, such, for example, as the pilgrim trade;

Recognizing the need to formulate general rules in relation to the space requirements of passengers on special trade passenger ships which should be complementary to the Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971,

Have agreed as follows:

Article I

General obligations under the Protocol

The Governments parties to the present Protocol undertake to give effect to the provisions of the present Protocol and of the Rules annexed hereto which shall constitute an integral part of the present Protocol. Every reference to the present Protocol constitutes at the same time a reference to the Annex.

Article II


The ships to which the present Protocol applies are passenger ships engaged in the special trades and registered in countries the Governments of which are Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 (here inafter referred to as "the 1960 Convention") and parties to the Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971 (hereinafter referred to as the "1971 Agreement") and to the present Protocol and ships registered in territories to which application of the 1960 Convention, the 1971 Agreement and the present Protocol has been extended under the relevant Articles thereof.

Article III

Communication of information

The Governments parties to the present Protocol undertake to communicate and deposit with the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the Organization"):


the text of laws, decrees, orders, regulations and other instruments which shall have been promulgated on the various matters within the scope of the present Protocol;


a sufficient number of specimens of their certificate issued under the provisions of the present Protocol for circulation to the Governments parties to the present Protocol and also to Contracting Governments to the 1960 Convention; and


a list of non-governmental agencies which are authorized to act in their behalf in the administration of measures under the present Protocol for circulation to Gov ernments parties to the present Protocol and also to Contracting Governments to the 1960 Convention.

Article IV

Signature, acceptance and accession


The present Protocol shall remain open for signature for three months from this day's date and shall thereafter remain open for accession. Governments parties to the 1971 Agreement may become parties to the present Protocol by:


signature without reservation as to acceptance;


signature subject to acceptance followed by acceptance; or




Acceptance or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of acceptance or accession with the Organization which shall inform all other Governments that have signed the present Protocol or acceded to it and Contracting Governments to the 1960 Convention of each acceptance or accession deposited and the date of its deposit.

Article V

Entry into force


The present Protocol shall enter into force six months after the date on which three Governments parties to the 1971 Agreement have signed the present Protocol without reservation as to acceptance or deposited instruments of acceptance or accession with the Organization in accordance with Article IV hereof; provided that at least two of such Governments shall be Governments of States in whose territory are registered ships engaged in the special trades or whose nationals are carried in ships engaged in these trades.


The Organization shall inform the Governments which have signed without reservation or accepted or acceded to the present Protocol and also Contracting Govern ments to the 1960 Convention of the date on which it enters into force.


For Governments which have deposited an instrument of acceptance or acces sion during the six months mentioned in paragraph (a) of this Article or after the date on which the present Protocol enters into force 'the acceptance or accession shall take effect on the entry into force of the present Protocol or three months after the date of deposit whichever is the later date.

Article VI



Amendment by unanimous agreement:


The present Protocol may be amended by unanimous agreement between the Governments parties to it.


Upon the request of any Government party to the present Protocol, a proposed amendment shall be communicated by the Organization to all the Governments parties to the present Protocol for their consideration and acceptance.


Any such amendment shall enter into force six months after the date of its acceptance by all Governments parties to the present Protocol. A Government party to the present Protocol which does not communicate its acceptance or rejection of the amendment to the Organization within twelve months from the date of its communication by the latter under sub-paragraph (ii) of this paragraph shall be deemed to have accepted the amendment.


Amendment by Conference:


Upon the request of a Government party to the present Protocol, concurred in by at least one third of the Governments parties to the present Protocol, a Conference of such Governments shall be convened by the Organization to consider amendments to the present Protocol.


Every amendment adopted by such a conference by a two-thirds majority of the Governments parties to the present Protocol present and voting shall be communicated by the Organization to all Governments parties to the present Protocol for their acceptance.


Any amendment communicated to Governments parties to the present Protocol under sub-paragraph (ii) of this paragraph shall come into force for all Governments parties to the present Protocol, except those which before it comes into force make a declaration that they do not accept the amendment, twelve months after the date on which the amendment is accepted by two thirds of the Governments parties to the present Protocol.

Article VII



The present Protocol may be denounced by any Government party to it at any time after the expiry of five years from the date on which the Protocol enters into force for that Government.


Denunciation shall be effected by deposit of an instrument with the Organization which shall inform all other Governments parties to the present Protocol of any denun ciation received and of the date of its receipt.


A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument, after its receipt by the Organization.

Article VIII



The United Nations in cases where they are the administering authority for a territory, or any Contracting Government to the 1960 Convention responsible for the international relations of a territory, shall as soon as possible consult with such territory in an endeavour to extend the present Protocol to that territory and may at any time, by notification in writing given to the Organization, declare that the present Protocol shall extend to such territory.


The present Protocol shall, from the date of receipt of the notification or from such other date as may be specified in the notification, extend to the territory named in the notification.


The United Nations, or any Contracting Government to the 1960 Con vention which has made a declaration under paragraph (a) of this Article at any time after the expiry of a period of five years from the date on which the present Protocol has been extended to any territory, may, by notification in writing given to the Organization, declare that the present Protocol shall cease to extend to any such territory named in the notification.


The present Protocol shall cease to extend to any territory named in such notification one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the notification, after the date of receipt of the notification by the Organization.


The Organization shall inform all Governments parties to the present Protocol and Contracting Governments to the 1960 Convention of the extension of the present Protocol to any territories under paragraph (a) of this Article and of the termination of such extension under the provisions of paragraph (b), stating in each case the date from which the present Protocol has been or will cease to be so extended.

Article IX

Deposit and registration


The present Protocol shall be deposited in the archives of the Organization and the Secretary-General of the Organization shall transmit certified true copies thereof to all Signatory Governments and to all other Governments which accede to the present Protocol.


As soon as the present Protocol enters into force it shall be registered by the Organization in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Article X


The present Protocol is established in a single copy in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic. Official translations in the Russian and Spanish languages shall be prepared and deposited with the signed original.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments for that purpose, have signed the present Protocol.

Done at London this thirteenth day of July, 1973.


Special Trade Passenger Ships (Space Requirements) Rules, 1973

Part I - General

Rule 1


These Rules shall be called "Special Trade Passenger Ships (Space Requirements) Rules, 1973".

Rule 2



Except where expressly provided otherwise, the definitions set out in Rule 2 of the Special Trade Passenger Ships Rules, 1971, shall apply also with respect to these Rules.


In addition, for the purpose of these Rules:


"1960 Convention" means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960.


"1966 Convention" means the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.


"Duration of voyage" means the interval between the time when the ship leaves the port at which the voyage commences and the time when she arrives at the port where the voyage terminates.


"Season of fair weather" means in relation to those parts of the Special Trade Area within the Tropical Zone, as defined in Regulation 48 of the 1966 Convention, a period extending for the whole year, and in relation to any part of that Area within a Seasonal Tropical Area as defined in Regulation 49 of that Convention means the period prescribed in Regulation 49 as the Tropical Seasonal Period relating to that area.


"Season of foul weather" means in relation to any part of the Special Trade Area within a Seasonal Tropical Area as defined in the above-mentioned Regulation 49 the period prescribed therein as the Summer Seasonal Period relating to that area.


"Deepest subdivision loadline" is the waterline which corresponds to the greatest draught permitted by the subdivision requirements which are applicable under the Special Trade Passenger Ships Rules, 1971.


"Length of the ship" is the length measured between perpendiculars taken at the ex tremities of the deepest subdivision load line.


"Upper between deck" means the deck below the weather deck or, in ships with side openings, the deck below the upper deck.


"Lower between deck" means the deck below the upper between deck.


"Gross volume of a space" is the volume measured between the decks and between the face of the frames, sparrings or linings at the ship's side.

Rule 3


These Rules shall apply to new and existing special trade passenger ships except that in relation to existing ships their application may be relaxed as provided in Part III of these Rules.

Rule 4


In exceptional circumstances, for the purpose of making a single voyage, a ship may be exempted by the Administration from any of the requirements of these Rules, except Part IV, provided it complies with such of those requirements as are in the opinion of the Administration adequate for the voyage to be undertaken.

Rule 5

Issue of certificate


A certificate called a Special Trade Passenger Ship Space Certificate shall be issued after inspection and survey of a special trade passenger ship which complies with the applicable re quirements of these Rules. The Certificate shall be issued for a period of not more than twelve months. The form of the Certificate shall be that of the model given in Appendix II to these Rules.


A Special Trade Passenger Ship Space Certificate shall be issued by the Administration or by any person or organization duly authorized by it. In every case, the Administration shall assume full responsibility for the Certificate.


A Government party to the present Protocol may, at the request of the Administration which is a Government party to the present Protocol, cause a ship to be surveyed and, if satisfied that the requirements of these Rules are complied with, shall issue a certificate to the ship in accordance with these Rules. Any certificate so issued must contain a statement to the effect that it has been issued at the request of the Government of the country in which the ship is or will be registered, and it shall have the same force and receive the same recognition as a certificate issued under paragraph (2) of this Rule.

Rule 6

Posting up of certificate

The Certificate issued under these Rules or a certified copy thereof shall be posted up in a prominent and accessible place in the ship.

Rule 7

Acceptance of certificate

A Special Trade Passenger Ship Space Certificate issued under the authority of a Government party to the present Protocol shall be accepted by other Governments parties to the present Protocol. They shall be regarded by those Governments as having the same force as Certificates issued by them.

Rule 8


The privileges of the present Rules may not be claimed in favour of any ship unless it holds a valid Special Trade Passenger Ship Space Certificate.

Part II - Space requirements

Rule 9

Spacees not suitable for carriage of passengers


No special trade passenger shall be carried:


on any deck lower than the one immediately below the deepest subdivision load line;


at any point in a between deck space where the clear headroom is less than 1.90 metres (6 feet 3 inches);


forward of the collision bulkhead or the upward extension thereof, as provided for in Regulation 9 of Chapter II of the 1960 Convention;


on lower between decks within 10 per cent of the length of the ship from the forward perpendicular; or


on any weather deck which is not sheathed to the satisfaction of the Administration.


During seasons of foul weather, spaces on the weather deck shall not be measured as being available for the accommodation of special trade passengers, except that such spaces may be measured as being available for use as airing space required to be provided under Rule 11 or Rule 13.

Rule 10

Number of passengers permitted

The number of special trade passengers carried on any voyage shall not exceed any of the following:


for any voyage the number permitted under the Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971;


for any voyage of 72 hours or over, the number of bunks provided in accordance with Rule 13;


for any voyage of less than 72 hours, the aggregate of:


the number of bunks (if any) fitted in compliance with the requirements of Rule 13(2), and


the number of passengers permitted in areas of accommodation spaces not fitted with bunks calculated in accordance with Rule 11;


for any voyage of 24 hours or over, the number calculated in accordance with Rule 11(4) or 13(3) as appropriate;


for any voyage the number for which airing space is provided in accordance with Rule 11 or Rule 13, as appropriate.

Rule 11

Spaces not fitted with bunks


Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (3) and (4) of this Rule and Rules 9 and 12, spaces in which bunks are not fitted for special trade passengers shall be measured for the accom modation of such passengers on the scale laid down in Appendix I to these Rules, having regard to the location of these spaces, the duration of the voyage and the incidence of seasons of fair and foul weather.


In addition airing space of not less than 0.37 square metres (4 square feet) for each passenger on the upper and lower between decks shall be provided on the weather decks. Such airing spaces shall be marked conspicuously "Airing space for special trade passengers only" .


Where the means of egress from a between deck or other enclosed space is through another passenger space, the former space shall be measured on the scale laid down in Appen dix I to these Rules for lower between deck spaces.


In no case shall the number of special trade passengers permitted to be carried under this Rule be such that when the duration of voyage is 24 hours or over, the number of passengers in any space exceeds the gross volume of that space in cubic metres (cubic feet) divided by 3.06 cubic metres (108 cubic feet).

Rule 12

Areas to be deducted and marked


In calculating, in accordance with Rule 11, the number of passengers which may be accommodated in any one space not fitted with bunks, the following deductions shall be made:


an overall deduction of 5 per cent of the gross area of the space to allow for the accommodation of accompanied baggage;


an area extending for a distance of 0.75 metres (2 feet 6 inches) from the entrance to any stairway or ladderway, washplace, lavatory or battery of latrines or from any water tap or fire hydrant;


areas required for working the lifeboats, liferafts and buoyant apparatus. These areas may, however, be included in the calculation of airing space;


the area of any hatchway; and


any area which in the opinion of the Administration is unsuitable for the accommodation of special trade passengers.


The areas described in (b), (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph (1) of this Rule shall be delineated by a white line 0.08 metres (3 inches) wide.

Rule 13

Spaces fitted with bunks


In every ship making a voyage the duration of which, in ordinary circumstances, will extend for 72 hours or more, a bunk shall be provided for every special trade passenger.


In every ship where bunks are provided for the use of special trade passengers, the following provisions shall apply:


the size of a bunk shall be not less than 1.90 metres (6 feet 3 inches) long and 0.70 metres (2 feet 3 inches) wide;


every bunk shall give direct access to a passageway and the passageways shall be so arranged as to give ready access to an escape route;


the width of such passageways shall be not less than 0.70 metres (2 feet 3 inches);


bunks may be fitted in single or double tiers provided that, in the latter case, the following requirements are complied with:


the distance between the deck and the base of the lower bunk shall not be less than 0.45 metres (1 foot 6 inches);


the distance between the base of the lower bunk and the base of the upper bunk shall not be less than 0.90 metres (3 feet);


the distance between the base of the upper bunk and the underside of any overhead obstruction (e.g. deck beams or girders) shall not be less than 0.90 metres (3 feet); and


suitable means shall be provided for access to upper bunks;


bunks shall be fitted with leeboards or leerails and, where bunks are fitted side by side, with suitable means of separation;


bunks and their fittings shall be constructed of metal and shall be of a type approved by the Administration;


except where hatch openings are trunked or otherwise similarly protected to the satisfaction of the Administration, no bunk shall be fitted within 0.90 metres (3 feet) of such openings;


no bunk shall be fitted within 0.60 metres (2 feet) of the face of the frames, sparrings or linings at the ship's side;


no bunk shall be fitted within 0.75 metres (2 feet 6 inches) of the entrance to any stairway or ladderway, wash place, lavatory or battery of latrines or of any water tap or fire hydrant; and


no bunk shall be fitted in any space or part thereof which in the opinion of the Administration is unsuitable for the accommodation of special trade passengers.


In no case shall the number of special trade passengers permitted to be carried under this Rule be such that the number of passengers in any space exceeds the gross volume of that space in cubic metres (cubic feet) divided by 3.06 cubic metres (108 cubic feet).


Airing space of not less than 0.37 square metres (4 square feet) for each passenger on the upper and lower between decks shall be provided on the weather decks. Such airing spaces shall be marked conspicuously "Airing for special trade passengers only".

Rule 14

Marking of spaces

Any space intended for the accommodation of special trade passengers shall be conspicuously marked at or near the entrance to that space with the number of passengers for which that space is certified.

Rule 15

Width of stairways


Subject to the other provisions of this Rule, stairways and ladderways which provide egress from any space located below the weather deck and intended for the accommodation or use of special trade passengers, and which form part of a ready means of escape from that space, as described in Regulation 68 of Chapter II of the 1960 Convention, shall have an aggregate width of not less than 0.05 metres (2 inches) for every five passengers appropriate to that space.


Where such spaces are located one above the other, the stairways and ladderways leading upwards from the upper space shall have an aggregate width of not less man 0.05 metres (2 inches) for every five passengers included within the total number appropriate to the two spaces.


Where such spaces are located on the same deck and have access between them, for the purpose of calculating the minimum aggregate width of stairways leading upwards from that deck, such spaces on the same deck shall be considered as one space.


In no case shall the width of any stairway or ladderway referred to in this Rule be less than 0.75 metres (2 feet 6 inches); where the width is greater than 1.50 metres (5 feet) the stairway or ladderway shall be fitted with an intermediate rail or rails to the satisfaction of the Administration.


Ladderways and stairways shall be effectively distributed so as to avoid congestion.


For the purpose of this Rule the number of passengers appropriate to an accommodation space shall be that permitted by Rule 11 or Rule 13, as the case may be, and the number appropriate to any other space shall be the number for which that space has capacity.

Rule 16


All spaces including alleyways, stairways and ladderways provided for the accommodation or use of special trade passengers shall be provided with arrangements whereby they can be adequately lighted both by day and by night. Where practicable, arrangements for natural lighting shall be provided.

Rule 17



Every ship shall be provided with a system of trunked mechanical ventilation sufficient to distribute fresh air into all parts of the enclosed spaces allocated for the accommodation or use of special trade passengers and capable of providing at least ten fresh air changes per hour. Alternatively a trunked air conditioning system may be provided to the satisfaction of the Administration.


The ventilation or air conditioning system required by paragraph (1) of this Rule shall be capable of effective separation from any hospital ventilation.

Rule 18


Every ship shall be provided with approved awnings which will protect from the weather:


those portions of exposed decks which are provided for the use of special trade passengers; and


where the Administration considers necessary, those portions of exposed decks and housetops which are situated immediately above spaces provided for the accommodation or use of special trade passengers.

Rule 19

Cooking of food

Special trade passengers shall not be permitted to cook food on board.

Rule 20

Prevention of accidents

Hatchways when open shall be effectively guarded to a height of not less than 0.90 metres (3 feet) but when open for ventilation purposes only they shall also be suitably protected by netting.

Rule 21

Obstruction of passenger spaces

Spaces including airing spaces allotted for the accommodation or use of special trade passengers shall be kept free of cargo.

Part III - Existing ships

Rule 22

Relaxations from Part II

In the case of existing ships the Administration may permit any of the following relaxations from the requirements of Part II of these Rules:


Rules 9(1 )(b) and 15 shall apply only so far as is reasonable and practicable in the opinion of the Administration.


Rule 11 shall apply except that in seasons of fair weather for voyages of 24 hours or over but not exceeding 48 hours, the per capita area required for the accommodation of special trade passengers other than on the lower between deck may be reduced to 0.9 square metres (10 square feet) and on the lower between deck may be reduced to 1.12 square metres (12 square feet).


Rule 13 shall apply subject to the following provisions:


In relation to a voyage of a ship, the route of which is declared beforehand to the Administration, and in the course of which there is considerable embarkation and dis embarkation at intermediate ports, the Administration may relax the requirements of paragraph (1) thereof to the extent which it considers reasonable, having regard to the nature of the service.


In the case of a ship already fitted with bunks, if in the opinion of the Administration:


the characteristics of the special trade passengers carried are such that the reduction in the size of bunks would not lead to discomfort for them; and


such additional available space resulting from the reduction could be used in im proving safety and amenities of special trade passengers and will not be utilized to increase the number of passengers which would otherwise be permitted under Rule 13 to be carried,

bunks of a size not less than 1.80 metres (6 feet) long and 0.70 metres (2 feet 3 inches) wide may be fitted.


The distances given in Rule 13(2)(<f)(i), (ii) and (iii) may each be reduced by not more than 0.15 metres (6 inches) provided the aggregate of these distances is not less than 1.90 metres (6 feet 3 inches).


Rule 17 need not apply where a natural ventilation system is fitted in the spaces referred to in that Rule, provided that such system shall be adequate to maintain the air in a satisfactory condition and to ensure a sufficient degree of air movement under all conditions of weather and climate to which the ship is likely to be subjected, and shall in particular at least meet the following requirements:


The aggregate area of the inlet ventilators serving any such space exclusive of side scuttles, doors, stairways, skylights or any other apertures not provided solely for ven tilation purposes shall be not less than:


for an upper between deck space 0.032 square metres (5 square inches) for every passenger appropriate to that space;


for a lower between deck space 0.048 square metres (7.5 square inches) for every passenger appropriate to that space,

and the aggregate area of outlets serving such a space shall equally be not less than the above scales.


In every between deck space other than open self-airing spaces, fans shall be fitted having a diameter of not less than 0.60 metres (2 feet) for every 25 passengers appropriate to that space, provided that fans of lesser diameter may be used and the number of fans varied where, in the opinion of the Administration, they will together provide an equiv alent degree of air movement.


For the purpose of this paragraph the number of passengers appropriate to an accom modation space shall be that permitted by Rule 11 or Rule 13 as the case may be and the number appropriate to any other space shall be the number for which the space has capacity.

Part IV - International Health Regulations

Rule 23


The ships to which the present Rules apply shall comply with the International Health Reg ulations (1969)' having regard to the circumstances and the nature of the voyage within the meaning of the said Health Regulations.

Appendix I

Table of space


Appendix II

Form of certificate



The space requirements for special trade passenger ships are complementary to the 1971 Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement adopted 1971-10-06, in force 1974-01-02.