Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program (IDCP) [*]

Done at: Washington

Date enacted: 1998-05-15

In force: 1999-02-15

The Parties to this Agreement,

Aware that, in accordance with the relevant provisions of international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982, all States have the duty to take, or to cooperate with other States in taking, such measures as may be necessary for the conservation and management of living marine resources;

Inspired by the principles contained in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development of 1992, as well as the wish to implement the principles and standards of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries adopted by the FAO Conference in 1995;

Stressing the political will of the international community to contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of fisheries conservation and management measures, through the Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, adopted by the FAO Conference in 1993;

Taking note that the 50th General Assembly of the United Nations, pursuant to resolution A/RES/50/24, adopted the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks ("the United Nations Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks");

Reaffirming the commitments established in the La Jolla Agreement of 1992 and in the Declaration of Panama of 1995;

Emphasizing the goals of eliminating dolphin mortality in the purse-seine tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean and of seeking ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins;

Considering the importance of the tuna fishery as a source of food and income for the populations of the Parties and that conservation and management measures must address those needs and take into account the economic and social impacts of those measures;

Recognizing the dramatic reduction of incidental dolphin mortality achieved through the La Jolla Agreement;

Convinced that scientific evidence demonstrates that the technique of fishing for tuna in association with dolphins, in compliance with the regulations and procedures established under the La Jolla Agreement and reflected in the Declaration of Panama, has provided an effective method for the protection of dolphins and rational use of tuna resources in the eastern Pacific Ocean;

Reaffirming that multilateral cooperation constitutes the most effective means for achieving the objectives of conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources;

Committed to ensure the sustainability of tuna stocks in the eastern Pacific Ocean and to progressively reduce the incidental dolphin mortalities in the tuna fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean to levels approaching zero; to avoid, reduce and minimize the incidental catch and the discard of juvenile tuna and the incidental catch of non-target species, taking into consideration the interrelationship among species in the ecosystem;

Have agreed as follows:

Article I


For the purposes of this Agreement:


"Tuna" means the species of the suborder Scombroidei (Klawe, 1980), with the exception of the genus Scomber.


"Dolphins" means species of the family Delphinidae associated with the fishery for yellowfin tuna in the Agreement Area.


"Vessel" means a vessel that fishes for tuna with a purse seine.


"Parties" means the States or regional economic integration organizations which have consented to be bound by this Agreement and for which this Agreement is in force.


"Regional economic integration organization" means a regional economic integration organization to which its member States have transferred competence over matters covered by this Agreement, including the authority to make decisions binding on its member States in respect of those matters;


"IATTC" means the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.


"La Jolla Agreement" means the instrument adopted at the Intergovernmental Meeting held in June, 1992.


"International Dolphin Conservation Program" means the international program established pursuant to this Agreement based on the La Jolla Agreement, as formalized, modified and enhanced in accordance with the Declaration of Panama.


"On-Board Observer Program" means the program defined in Annex II.


"Declaration of Panama" means the Declaration signed in Panama City, Republic of Panama, on October 4, 1995.


"Director" means the Director of Investigations of the IATTC.

Article II


The objectives of this Agreement are:


To progressively reduce incidental dolphin mortalities in the tuna purse-seine fishery in the Agreement Area to levels approaching zero, through the setting of annual limits;


With the goal of eliminating dolphin mortality in this fishery, to seek ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins; and


To ensure the long-term sustainability of the tuna stocks in the Agreement Area, as well as that of the living marine resources related to this fishery, taking into consideration the interrelationship among species in the ecosystem, with special emphasis on, inter alia, avoiding, reducing and minimizing bycatch and discards of juvenile tunas and non-target species.

Article III

Area of application of the agreement

The area of application of this Agreement ("the Agreement Area") is defined in Annex I.

Article IV

General measures

The Parties shall, within the framework of the IATTC:


Take measures to ensure the conservation of ecosystems as well as conservation and management measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of tuna stocks and other stocks of living marine resources associated with the tuna purse-seine fishery in the Agreement Area, based on the best scientific evidence available, and apply the precautionary approach, consistent with the relevant provisions of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the United Nations Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. Such measures shall be designed to maintain or restore the biomass of harvested stocks at or above levels capable of producing maximum sustainable yield, and with the goal of maintaining or restoring the biomass of associated stocks at or above levels capable of producing maximum sustainable yield; and


Take measures, according to their capacities, to assess the catch and bycatch of juvenile yellowfin tuna and other stocks of living marine resources related to the purse-seine tuna fishery in the Agreement Area and establish measures in accordance with Article VI to, inter alia, avoid, reduce and minimize the bycatch of juvenile yellowfin tuna and bycatch of non-target species, in order to ensure long-term sustainability of all these species, taking into consideration the interrelationships among species in the ecosystem.

Article V

International Dolphin Conservation Program

Pursuant to the International Dolphin Conservation Program and in consideration of the objective of this Agreement, the Parties shall, inter alia:


Limit total incidental dolphin mortality in the purse-seine tuna fishery in the Agreement Area to no more than 5,000 annually, through the adoption and implementation of relevant measures, which shall include:


The establishment of a system that provides incentives to vessel captains to continue to reduce incidental dolphin mortality, with the goal of eliminating dolphin mortality in this fishery;


The establishment within the framework of the IATTC of a system of technical training and certification for fishing captains and crews on the gear and its use, as well as the techniques for the rescue and safety of dolphins;


Within the framework of the IATTC, the promotion and support of research to improve gear, equipment, and fishing techniques, including those used in the fishery for tunas associated with dolphins;


The establishment of an equitable system for the assignment of dolphin mortality limits (DMLs), consistent with the per-year dolphin mortality caps, in accordance with Annexes III and IV;


Requiring their respective vessels that have been assigned a DML, or that otherwise operate in the Agreement Area, to comply with the operational requirements set forth in Annex VIII;


The establishment of a system for the tracking and verification of tuna harvested with and without mortality or serious injury of dolphins, based on the elements set forth in Annex IX;


The exchange of scientific research data collected by the Parties pursuant to this Agreement on a full and timely basis; and


The conduct of research for the purpose of seeking ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins;


Establish per-stock per-year dolphin mortality caps, and review and assess the effects of these caps, in accordance with Annex III; and


Review the measures at a Meeting of the Parties.

Article VI

Sustainability of living marine resources

Pursuant to Article IV, the Parties commit to develop and implement, within the framework of the IATTC, measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of living marine resources associated with the purse-seine tuna fishery in the Agreement Area, taking into consideration the interrelationships among species in the ecosystem. To this end, the Parties shall, inter alia:


Develop and implement a program for assessing, monitoring and minimizing bycatch of juvenile tuna and non-target species in the Agreement Area;


To the maximum extent practicable, develop and require the use of selective, environmentally safe and cost-effective fishing gear and techniques;


Require that their vessels operating in the Agreement Area release alive incidentally caught sea turtles and other threatened or endangered species, to the maximum extent practicable; and


Request the IATTC to initiate investigations to assess whether the fishing capacity of vessels fishing in the Agreement Area poses a threat to the sustainability of tuna stocks and other living marine resources associated with the fishery and, if so, examine possible measures and recommend their adoption whenever appropriate.

Article VII

Implementation at the national level

Each Party shall adopt, in accordance with its laws and procedures, the necessary measures to ensure the implementation of and compliance with this Agreement including, as appropriate, the adoption of relevant laws and regulations.

Article VIII

Meeting of the Parties


The Parties shall meet periodically to consider matters pertaining to the implementation of this Agreement and to make all decisions relevant thereto.


The ordinary Meeting of the Parties shall take place at least once a year, preferably in conjunction with an IATTC meeting.


The Parties may also hold extraordinary meetings when deemed necessary. These meetings shall be convened at the request of any Party, provided that such request is supported by a majority of the Parties.


The Meeting of the Parties shall be held when a quorum is present. Quorum is reached when a majority of the Parties are present. This rule shall also apply to meetings of subsidiary organs established under this Agreement.


The meetings shall be held in Spanish and English, and the documents of the Meeting of the Parties shall be produced in both these languages.

Article IX

Decision making

All decisions made by the Parties at meetings convened pursuant to Article VIII shall be by consensus.

Article X

Scientific Advisory Board

The functions of the Scientific Advisory Board, established pursuant to the La Jolla Agreement, shall be those set forth in Annex V. The Scientific Advisory Board shall be composed and shall operate in accordance with the provisions of Annex V.

Article XI

National Scientific Advisory Committees


Each Party shall, in accordance with its laws and procedures, establish a National Scientific Advisory Committee (NATSAC) of qualified experts, operating in their individual capacities, from the public and private sectors, and from non-governmental organizations including, inter alia, qualified scientists.


The functions of the NATSACs shall be, inter alia, those set forth in Annex VI.


The Parties shall ensure that the NATSACs shall cooperate through regular and timely meetings in the review of data and the status of stocks, and in the development of advice for achieving the objectives of this Agreement. Such meetings shall take place at least once a year in conjunction with an ordinary Meeting of the Parties.

Article XII

International Review Panel

The functions of the International Review Panel (IRP), established pursuant to the La Jolla Agreement, shall be those set forth in Annex VII. The IRP shall be composed and shall operate in accordance with the provisions of Annex VII.

Article XIII

On-Board Observer Program

The On-Board Observer Program established pursuant to the La Jolla Agreement shall operate in accordance with Annex II.

Article XIV

Role of the IATTC

Envisioning that the IATTC shall have an integral role in coordinating the implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall, inter alia, request the IATTC to provide Secretariat support and to perform such other functions as are set forth in this Agreement or are agreed upon pursuant to this Agreement.

Article XV


The Parties shall contribute to the expenses necessary to achieve the objectives of this Agreement, through the establishment and collection of vessel fees, the level of which shall be determined by the Parties, without prejudice to other voluntary financial contributions.

Article XVI



Each Party shall ensure with respect to vessels under its jurisdiction effective compliance with the measures set forth in this Agreement or adopted pursuant thereto. In particular, each Party shall ensure, through, inter alia, an annual certification and inspection program, that vessels under its jurisdiction comply with:


the operational requirements established in Annex VIII; and


the on-board observer requirements established in Annex II.


In respect of violations, each Party, taking into consideration the recommendations of the IRP, shall apply, consistent with its national laws, sanctions of sufficient gravity as to be effective in securing compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and of measures adopted pursuant thereto and to deprive offenders of the benefits accruing from their illegal activities. Such sanctions shall, for serious offenses, include refusal, suspension or withdrawal of the authorization to fish.


The Parties shall establish incentives for the captains and crews of vessels, with the view to enhancing compliance with this Agreement and its objectives.


The Parties shall adopt cooperative measures to ensure compliance with this Agreement, building on decisions that have been taken under the La Jolla Agreement.


Each Party shall promptly inform the IRP of enforcement actions it has taken pursuant to this Agreement, and the results thereof.

Article XVII



The Parties shall promote transparency in the implementation of this Agreement, including through public participation, as appropriate.


Representatives from intergovernmental organizations and representatives from non-governmental organizations concerned with matters relevant to the implementation of this Agreement shall be afforded the opportunity to take part in meetings of the Parties convened pursuant to Article VIII as observers or otherwise, as appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines and criteria set forth in Annex X. Such intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations shall have timely access to relevant information, subject to procedural rules on access to such information that the Parties may adopt.

Article XVIII



The Meeting of the Parties shall establish rules of confidentiality for all bodies given access to information pursuant to this Agreement.


Notwithstanding any confidentiality rules which may be adopted in accordance with paragraph 1 above, any persons with access to such confidential information may disclose such information in connection with legal or administrative proceedings, if requested by a competent authority of the Party concerned.

Article XIX

Cooperation with other organizations or arrangements

The Parties shall cooperate with subregional, regional and global fishery conservation and management organizations and arrangements with the goal of promoting the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement.

Article XX

Settlement of disputes


The Parties shall cooperate in order to prevent disputes. Any Party may consult with one or more other Parties about any dispute related to the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement to reach a solution satisfactory to all as quickly as possible.


If a dispute is not settled through such consultation within a reasonable period, the Parties in question shall consult among themselves as soon as possible in order to settle the dispute through any peaceful means they may decide upon in accordance with international law.

Article XXI

Rights of States

No provision of this Agreement may be interpreted in such a way as to prejudice or undermine the sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction exercised by any State in accordance with international law, as well as its position or views with regard to matters relating to the law of the sea.

Article XXII



The Parties shall encourage all States and regional economic integration organizations referred to in Article XXIV of this Agreement that are not Parties to become Parties to this Agreement or to adopt laws and regulations consistent with it.


The Parties shall cooperate, in accordance with this Agreement and international law, to deter vessels flying the flags of States that are not Parties from carrying out activities that undermine the effectiveness of this Agreement. To this end, the Parties shall, inter alia, call to the attention of non-Parties such activities by their vessels.


The Parties shall exchange information among themselves, either directly or through the Director, with respect to activities of vessels flying the flags of non-Parties that undermine the effectiveness of this Agreement.

Article XXIII


The Annexes form an integral part of this Agreement and, unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to this Agreement includes a reference to the Annexes relating thereto.

Article XXIV


This Agreement is open for signature at Washington from May 15, 1998, until May 14, 1999 by States with a coastline bordering the Agreement Area and by States or regional economic integration organizations which are members of the IATTC or whose vessels fish for tuna in the Agreement Area while the Agreement is open for signature.

Article XXV

Ratification, acceptance or approval

This Agreement is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the Signatories in accordance with their domestic laws and procedures.

Article XXVI


This Agreement shall remain open to accession by any State or regional economic integration organization that meets the requirements in Article XXIV, or is otherwise invited to accede to the Agreement on the basis of a decision by the Parties.

Article XXVII

Entry into force


This Agreement shall enter into force upon deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Depositary.


After the date referred to in paragraph 1, with respect to each state or regional economic integration organization that meets the requirements of Article XXIV, the Agreement will enter into force for said state upon deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

Article XXVIII


No reservations may be made to this Agreement.

Article XXIX

Provisional application


This Agreement shall be applied provisionally by a State or regional economic integration organization which consents to its provisional application by so notifying the Depositary in writing. Such provisional application shall become effective from the date of receipt of the notification.


Provisional application by a State or regional economic integration organization shall terminate upon the entry into force of this Agreement for that State or regional economic integration organization or upon notification by that State or regional economic integration organization to the Depositary in writing of its intention to terminate provisional application.

Article XXX



Any Party may propose an amendment to this Agreement by providing to the Depositary the text of a proposed amendment at least sixty days in advance of a Meeting of the Parties. The Depositary shall provide a copy of this text to all other Parties.


Amendments to this Agreement that are adopted by consensus at a Meeting of the Parties shall enter into force on the date on which all Parties have deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval with the Depositary.


Unless the Parties decide otherwise, the Annexes to this Agreement may be amended, by consensus, at any Meeting of the Parties. Unless otherwise agreed, amendments to an Annex shall enter into force for all Parties upon adoption.

Article XXXI


Any Party may withdraw at any time after twelve months from the date on which this Agreement entered into force with respect to that Party by giving written notice of withdrawal to the Depositary. The Depositary shall inform the other Parties of the withdrawal within 30 days of receipt of such notice. The withdrawal shall become effective six months after receipt of such notice.

Article XXXII


The original texts of this Agreement shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, which shall send certified copies thereof to the Signatories and the Parties thereto, and to the Secretary General of the United Nations for registration and publication, pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

In witness whereof, the undersigned plenipotentiaries, having been duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done at Washington, on this fifteenth day of May, 1998, in English and Spanish, both texts being equally authentic.

Annexes I to X



Annexes amended 2000-10-30, 2001-10-29, 2002-06-24, 2002-10-10, 2003-06-23, 2003-10-11, 2004-10-20, 2005-10-20, 2006-06-21 and 2007-10-26. This Agreement is the successor to the 1992 Agreement on the Conservation of Dolphins (the La Jolla Agreement.)