Agreement concerning Co-operation in Marine Fishing

Done at: Warsaw

Date enacted: 1962-07-28

In force: 1963-02-22

The Governments of the German Democratic Republic, the Polish People's Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,

Having a common interest in co-operation in the development of marine fishing, fishing techniques and fish processing technology, as well as in scientific research into the condition of live marine resources,

Have decided to conclude this Agreement and have for this purpose appointed their Plenipotentiaries who, having exchanged their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:

Article 1

The Contracting Parties agree to co-operate in the development of fishing in the open sea, to consult on practical matters relating to the organization of fishing, to exchange the results of exploration for new fishing grounds and of research into other marine resources, to coordinate their research efforts with regard to the raw-materials base of the open sea, and to exchange experience concerning fishing techniques and the preparation, transport and storage of fish products.

Article 2

With a view to working out, co-ordinating and carrying out measures for the application of this Agreement, a Mixed Commission shall be established.

Within one month after the entry into force of this Agreement, each Contracting Party shall appoint a representative and an alternate to the said Commission and shall communicate their names to the other Contracting Parties.

The Mixed Commission shall convene at least once a year in the territory of each of the Contracting Parties in turn, the costs of organizing such sessions to be borne by the Party in whose territory the session is held. The place and date of convening of the Mixed Commission shall be determined by the Commission in advance.

The Mixed Commission shall function in accordance with Rules of Procedure to be drafted at its first meeting and approved by the Contracting Parties.

Article 3

The Mixed Commission shall have the following functions:


It shall prepare plans for scientific and technical co-operation and mutual assistance in the development of fishing in the open sea;


It shall organize the exchange of experience in the operation of fishing fleets, in fishing techniques and in the storage, processing and transport of fish, as well as the exchange of information on the results of fisheries exploration and research into live marine resources conducted by the Contracting Parties;


It shall submit proposals for convening scientific and technical conferences and meetings on various fishery problems of common interest to the Contracting Parties and shall organize the exchange of experience in the training of personnel;


It shall determine the nature and scope of the statistical and other data which each Contracting Party shall furnish to the Mixed Commission with a view to the implementation of this Agreement.


It shall examine such other matters as the Contracting Parties may refer to it.

Article 4

The Mixed Commission shall make recommendations to the Contracting Parties concerning the matters referred to in article 3.

Recommendations and decisions shall be deemed to have been adopted by the Mixed Commission if they receive the favourable votes of the representatives of all the Contracting Parties.

The recommendations of the Mixed Commission shall be submitted to the Contracting Parties for approval and shall be given effect if none of the Parties raises an objection within two months.

Article 5

This Agreement is subject to approval in accordance with the provisions in force in each of the Contracting Parties.

Notifications of the approval of this Agreement shall be transmitted to the Government of the Polish People's Republic, which shall exercise depositary functions.

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last notification of its approval.

Article 6

This Agreement is concluded for a term of five years. It shall remain in force for successive terms of five years for those Contracting Parties which do not denounce the Agreement at least six months before the expiry of the current five-year term.

Article 7

The Government of the Polish People's Republic shall take the necessary action to register this Agreement with the Secretariat of the United Nations.

Done at Warsaw on 28 July 1962, in one copy in the German, Polish and Russian languages, all three texts being equally authentic.