Language tandem

Do you want to learn a foreign language, or just maintain your language skills? It's now possible to enroll in language tandem through ELSA Oslo.

ELSA Oslo Lingua

ELSA Oslo Lingua facilitates language tandem exchange for students at the Faculty of Law. In a language tandem students who speaks different languages, will be paired up. This way they will be able to get to know each other and learn from each other.

You decide, of course, if you want to make contact with the suggested candidate and how
the language exchange shall take place.

Find ELSA Oslo Lingua on facebook.

Sign up

You can sign up for the language exchange by filling out the registration form on ELSA Oslo’s webpage.

Please contact ELSA Oslo if you have any questions.


ELSA Oslo is the international student organization at the Faculty of Law in Oslo. ELSA is a part of The European Law Students’ Association, which is the world’s largest organization for law student.

You will find information about the student organization on ELSA Oslo’s webpages.

Published Mar. 15, 2013 3:30 PM - Last modified Feb. 13, 2023 1:11 PM