Student association day at The Faculty of Law

Do you want to know more about student activities at the Faculty of law?

In cooperation with the student associations The Faculty of Law is happy to invite you to “foreningsdag” student association day at the faculty.

Some of the student associations The Faculty of Law

Picture: Congregatio Forensis

Welcome to the Student assosiation day on jJnuary the 24th from 11 am until 13 pm in Gymnastikkbygningen (Frokostkjelleren - the student pub).

This is a great opportunity to meet the associations and learn more about them, how you can become a member and how you can contribute.

The following assosiations will be present (the list will be updated continuously)

Congregatio Forensis

Corpsus Juris


Juristforbundet student





Fore more information see the Facebook event.

Published Jan. 3, 2017 9:55 AM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2017 9:55 AM