Tidligere arrangementer - Side 2

Tid og sted: , "Kjerka", Karl Johans gt. 47

Velkommen til Forum for konkurranserett.

Innledninger ved Jens Munk Plum, Kromann Reumert, København og Ole-Andreas Torgersen, Selmer DA, Oslo.

This workshop is organized by the research Group Markets, Innovation and Comptetition, The Research Group in Natural Resourches Law and the Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade Project.


Tid og sted: , Kjerka, Domus Media Vest, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo

Welcome to this seminar, a part of our Competition Law Forum Series.

Presentation by Professor Eleanor M. Fox, New York University School of Law.


Tid og sted: , Professorboligen, Faculty of law, Karl Johans gt. 47, Oslo

At this seminar the impact and implications of various aspects of intellectual property as property will be discussed.

A conceptual artwork and lecture by Guido Kucsko.

The Research Group market, innovation and competition cordially invites to this exhibition followed by a seminar titled "Protecting Ideas".

Open for all interrested.

Tid og sted: , Kjerka, Domus Media, Institutt for privatrett, Karl Johans gt. 47

Velkommen til Forum for konkurranserett.

Innledninger ved Christian Bergqvist, lektor ved Københavns Universitet, Henrik Ballebye Okholm, Partner Copenhagen Economics , Torben Thorø Pedersen, Managing economist Copenhagen Economics og førsteamanuensis Eirik Østerud, Universitetet i Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Department of Private Law, Room: Kjerka, 2nd floor, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo

We are pleased to welcome to the next Nordic Academic Network in Competition Law conference in Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Domus Media west wing, 2nd floor, "Kjerka"

The seminar is free and open to all. 

Please register by Monday 4 September

Tid og sted: , Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

– The Case Lilly v. Canada, on the Cumbersome Interface Between Trade, Intellectual Property and Human Rights

Presentation by Professor Daniel J. Gervais, Vanderbilt University.


Tid og sted: , Lødrups kjeller, Department of private law, Karl Johans gt. 47, Oslo

Presentations by Professor Peukert, Goethe-Universitãt Frankfurt am Main, and Professor Rognstad, University of Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Juridisk eksamenssal, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo

Guest lecture by professor David Abrams, University of Pennsylvania Law School.

Open for all interested.