Tidligere arrangementer - Side 4

Tid og sted: , Juridisk eksamenssal, Urbygningen

Guest Lecture with Professor, Oliver C. Ruppel, Stellenbosch University, South Africa on the role of regional courts for economic  integration, environmental and human rights  protection:  Lessons learnt from the Tribunal of the Southern African  Development Community (SADC)  

Tid og sted: , Domus Nova, room 571

Visiting scholar Dr. Livia Navone’s research focuses on the political economy of property law and on the impact of institutional changes on the development of property law, with special attention to the role of collective property rights for society.

Tid og sted: , The Faculty of Law and Edderkoppen Conference Centre

The year 2012 marks a number of watershed points in international environmental affairs, making it an appropriate point in time for reflection on the legal status of nature.

The three day conference, organized by the research group for natural resources law, will gather experts on environmental law from different parts of the world and legal cultures.