Juridification as a process of discovery: Mid-20th cent. consumer protection

Professor Johannes Liebrecht, Det juridiske fakultet i Zürich, Sveits, foreleser over temaet “Juridification as a process of discovery: Mid-20th cent. consumer protection”.

Professor Liebrecht er professor i rettsvitenskap og rettshistorie i Zürich og har publisert en rekke bøker og artikler om rettshistoriske og aktuelle emner. Han har bl.a. bakgrunn fra Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law i Hamburg. 

Gjesteforelesningen har denne problemstillingen:

“Consumer law is everywhere today. In the national laws of the European Union's member states, it is particularly strongly influenced by primary law. At the same time, it represents a considerable part of EU’s fragmentary primary private law itself. Of course, consumer law exists in other European states, as well, albeit in very different forms, and it is well known that its emergence belongs in a larger context: It owes itself to the political demands of the post-war period, especially of the 1970s, while the issuing of directives at the European level only began after a time lag, in the 1980s. However, it is not particularly popular, at least not among traditional contract law scholars. In contrast, legal history is unreserved in this respect: It is free to approach this fascinating and multi-layered topic with curiosity and to see it as a process of discovery.”


Publisert 25. jan. 2023 15:15 - Sist endret 25. jan. 2023 15:15