Rettshistorisk lunsjseminar: Scandinavian Legal Thought Confronted with the French Commercial Code of 1807

Anna Klimaszewska (Gdansk/Oslo) innleder på Rettshistorisk lunsjseminar. 

Anna Klimaszewska will outline the assumptions of her project, which allows her to extend the spectrum of her research grant to the Scandinavian area in order to analyse the effect of a frame imposed by the legislator through a code of law in varying social and economic conditions. Using an interdisciplinary methodology (discourse network analysis, frame analysis), it will be reconstructed how the world's first modern commercial code - the French Code of 1807 issued by order of Napoleon Bonaparte - actually resonated in Scandinavian legal thought and how it influenced Scandinavian legal discourse in the 19th century. With no competition for many decades, it has been a reference point (positive or negative, direct or indirect) in many systems around the world. The use of digital tools will allow national subjectivism in the interpretation of sources to be shed. This research, therefore, creates an entirely new approach to law, thus paving the way for similar research to be carried out on other areas of the law of any country and era.

Publisert 4. sep. 2023 16:18 - Sist endret 4. sep. 2023 16:18