Victims' rights in the English criminal system

Ian Smith, from The Chambers of Andrew Mitchell QC, gives a talk about victims' rights in the English criminal system. 

Ian Smith. Photo: The Chambers of Andrew Mitchell QC.

The punishment, penology and criminal law research group has invited Ian Smith, from The Chambers of Andrew Mitchell QC, to discuss the topic of victims' rights in the English criminal system. Smith will also talk about their rights in the private-law sphere of the English civil courts. The combination of these rights and how they are affected by competing claims from prosecutors for confiscation and state-civil recovery is becoming a highly topical question in English law.

Smith, who is a commercial litigator, dealing with complex and high value cases, usually with an international dimension, has extensive experience as a solicitor and he now instructs a range of firms in both the UK and overseas. 


Welcome to an exciting conversation with Ian Smith January 18. The meeting starts at 11.00 at the usual room "møterommet i 3. etasje", which is actually named "Castbergs bibliotek". 


Publisert 29. des. 2018 13:14 - Sist endret 29. des. 2018 13:22