Feminism, liberalism and Patriarchy in Argentina today: guest lecture by Professor Noelia Figueroa

Professor and activist Noelia Figueroa will give the lecture "From #niunamenos (not one woman less) to #seraley (it will be law): Feminism, liberalism and Patriarchy in Argentina today"

About the lecture

On June 3rd 2015, millions of people took to the streets  to massively speak out against femicides in Argentina after the case of Chiara Paez in the Province of Santa Fe.

4 years later, there were millions in the street demanding for the main pending debt of democracy in Argentina: the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion. What happened during these few years? How has the struggle been accelerated?

The feminist movement shifted in the last four years from demands focused on femicides and other evident forms of sexist violence to the organization of a national strike and three international strikes. We have built a feminist agenda that aims at questioning everything: care economy, politics, education, the way we develop our sexual-emotional relations, the access to legal abortion, and the characteristics of the spaces we inhabit, among other things.

This process can be explained by the rich history of the feminist movement in our country, but also by the popular resistance to Macri’s government neoliberal advances.

The articulation between, on the one hand, the women, feminist and dissident sexualities movement and, on the other hand, popular movements fighting against the right-wing is a key factor to understand the current situation of Argentina and the turning point in which we stand as the opposition

About Noelia Figueroa

Noelia Figueroa is a researcher at the Center of Feminist Investigation and Gender studies, at Facultad de Ciencia Política of University of Rosario, Argentina.

She is currently the Secretary of Gender and Sexualities of the Faculty

She is also member of the feminist organisation Mala Junta, and the Ni Una Menos collective. Until last month, she was in charge of the Protocol of Attention to situations of sexist violence.

Emneord: Women’s rights
Publisert 30. aug. 2019 10:30 - Sist endret 24. mars 2020 12:56