Seminar on "Artificial Intellegence and Law" and the NRCCL Birthday Lecture

The seminar incorporates lectures for JUS5670 (Electronic Commerce Law) and the NRCCL’s birthday lecture which is held afterwards at Domus Nova, Auditorium 7 at 17.15.

Artificial intelligence and law

The development of artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning in particular, has made significant advances in recent years. This draws renewed interest to artificial intelligence and law, which has been a field of research in legal informatics for several decades. This seminar traces two developments in which legal issues and artificial intelligence meet.

First, the EU Parliament’s 2017 resolution on robots and artificial has revived the interest in regulatory issues regarding AI. The seminar shall explore some of these potential future statutory rules, and also discuss the need for contractual rules that are sufficiently adaptive to a changing technological environment.

Second, the seminar will explore how artificial intelligence may change the provision of legal services. In parallel with the advances of artificial intelligence, legal technology increasingly focuses on automating parts of legal services, and facilitating legal analytics. The merger of legal tech and AI may trigger significant changes in the way lawyers will work in the future, and the seminar will explore both existing approaches to automation of legal services, as well as the potential future prospect of “robot lawyers”.

Part 1 - seminar on "Artificial Intellegence and Law" at Domus Academica (DA) between 13.30 - 16.15

Part 1 of the program is an open  seminar hosted by the Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL), with support from Lovdata, and not subject to registration. However, in the unlikely event that the room capacity should be insufficient, registered students (JUS5670) will be given priority.

Part 2 - The NRCCL Birthday lecture and reception at Domus Nova (DN) between 17.15 and 19.00 - subject to registration

Professor Malcolm Langford (Department of Public and International Law, UiO) will present his lecture “Robot Lawyers: The Second Coming of Law and Artificial Intelligence".

After the NRCCL's birthday lecture, a reception will be held at the NRCCL library on the 4th floor of Domus Nova. Light refreshments will be served.

Please register here   Note that the registration deadline is March 7th.

Detailed program

Published Feb. 27, 2018 1:26 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2021 12:16 PM