Corporate Social Responsibility and the Transparency Act

Corporate social responsibility is an area that is rapidly gaining attention. The issue of companies’ accountability for the whole value chain is raised with increased frequency, particularly as far as concerns violation of human rights, labour- or environmental law incurred abroad by subsidiaries or suppliers.

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About the seminar

The EU is working on an extensive regulation of the matter – most recently, on 23 February 2022 the Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (COM(2022) 71 final).

Among the international instruments on the area, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Conduct are particularly significant. The Guidelines and Guidance are increasingly being implemented in domestic legislation, among others in Norway with the
Transparency Act of 2021.

The issue can be looked at from different perspectives: depending on whether it is framed as an issue of public law or of company law, or as a matter of civil liability, the legal effects will vary – including the jurisdiction of the courts, the applicable law, the basis for liability and the consequences of any breach.

The seminar gathers Norwegian and international experts and practitioners who will discuss the regime in Norway in light of the international framework, of the ongoing work in the EU, and of the developments in other countries, as well as the practical implications.

The work presented and discussed during the seminar will be published in the Oslo Law Review, presumably issue No 2 of 2023.


See the full programme in .pdf.


Please register your participation within 5 September.

Published Aug. 18, 2022 10:40 AM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2022 2:36 PM