Comparative law in domestic court

Several on-going project at the University of Oslo will be presented and discussed at the seminar.

This seminar on ‘Comparative law in domestic court’ is an extension of Professor Mads Andenas work and publications on the topic, see Courts and Comparative Law, Oxford University Press 2015, and numerous articles with Professor Duncan Faigrieve, BIICL and Paris Dauphine. He has also investigated the systemic consequences of cross citation in A Farewell to Fragmentation Reassertion and Convergence in International Law (with Professor Eirik Bjorge, Bristol), Cambridge University Press 2015, and ‘The Systemic Relevance of "Judicial Decisions" in Article 38 of the ICJ Statute’ (with Professor Johann Leiss), 2018 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht 907–972.

The main guest is Professor Matthias Siems, the European University Institute in Florence. He is one of the leading comparativists and leads a project on ‘Cross-Citations between Supreme Courts in Europe’ see (for instance the Appendix for the AJCL paper)


09.30-10.00     Opening and introduction, Professor Mads Andenas.

10.00-10.45    ‘Cross-Citations between Supreme Courts in Europe’: objectives and                              methodological challenges, Professor Matthias Siems

10.45-11.30    Two Oslo projects on comparative law and citations of foreign courts in                         the Norwegian Supreme Court. Dr Johannes Meyer, Odd Syse and                               Mads Andenas

11.30-12.00    Cross citations between international courts: the ICJ, Professor Johann                          Leiss.

12.00-13.00    Leave to appeal to the Norwegian Supreme Court, an Oslo project and                         possible comparative perspectives and further applications

13.00-14.30    Lunch

14.30-15.15    Round table on methodological challenges in cross citation research

15.15-16.00    Round table on systemic consequences of cross citations in supreme                           courts and international courts

Published Nov. 16, 2022 2:25 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2023 3:43 PM