Midway assessment - Perspectives on privacy in human-robot interaction

PhD Candidate Mona Naomi Lintvedt, Department of Private Law, will present her PhD Project "Perspectives on privacy in human-robot interaction".


Professor, Emily Weitzenboeck, Oslo Business School, OsloMet

Leader of the assessment

Professor Margrethe Buskerud Christoffersen, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo


Professor Lee Bygrave, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo, and
co-supervisor Professor Jim Tørresen, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo

For outline and draft text - contact Mona Naomi Lintvedt


The objective of the research is to identify the privacy implications of human-robot interaction, and regulatory blind spots with regards to robotics and AI. Advanced robots that interact with humans use a variety of sensors that collect vast amounts of data, including personal data, and process these by the use of AI to adapt the ‘behaviour’ of the robot to its surroundings. In addition, robots will have a physical presence that can interfere with the personal autonomy and privacy of the users. Thus, privacy in robotics is not only about protecting individuals from harmful use of their information or intrusive personal data collection, it also concerns their physical and psychological right to privacy.

The project will be concerned with various aspects of privacy, and qustions that arise by human-robot interaction. The project is mainly approached from a European law perspective, based on the right to respect for private life as protected in the European Convention of Human Rights and the right to data protection in the EU Charter and the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The regulation of AI will also be included, in addition to investigations of other hard law and soft law intruments that may apply to robotics.


Guidelines for midway assessments


Advisor Mona Østvang Ådum


Published June 26, 2023 1:36 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2024 11:16 AM