Nordic conference in ICT Law 2013

"The proof is in the digital pudding!"

We have long discussed “digital footprint” and understand that the use of digital devices involves the automatic generation of data that is capable of revealing personal information. Our digital footprints are now everywhere. In addition to the automatically generated data, we also make our personal information available on social media. The combination of digital footprints and information provided on social media can be used to create a comprehensive and detailed picture of each person.

The smartphone is an example of a technology that generates a digital footprint by tracking the user’s movements and communication with others. In addition, we also actively use smartphones to provide others with information regarding private activities. For example, taking pictures with specified time and location information and then uploading those photos on Facebook or Instagram.


Recent news regarding the National Security Agency’s global Spyware PRISM programme is an extreme example of the opportunities the current aggregation of information “in the cloud” provides authorities. The information collected has wide application, including its use in criminal investigations. The examination of digital information may take place without the information ever being submitted as evidence in a trial, without judicial review, and even in complete secrecy.


The 2013 Nordic Conference will focus on the aggregation, storage, discovery, and use of information from people’s daily lives. The emphasis will primarily be use of such information by the state, namely police and other government authorities. Conference presentations will focus primarily on legal issues, with some discussion of the essential technologies.



Registration deadline: 01.11.2013

For registration, send an e-mail to Karianne Stang






Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law
Published June 24, 2013 9:31 AM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2018 11:45 AM