Scandinavian Workshop on e-Government

The Scandinavian Workshop on e-Government is a forum for discussing current e-government research issues. The workshop is dedicated to open discussions about the current status of e-government research and future directions. The focus is thus on informal discussion rather than on formal conference presentations.

The theme chosen for SWEG 2013 is “Government for the next generation public e-services”.

The development of more advanced public services along with the building of more complex, cross-sectoral digital infrastructures required to support such services demand new forms of governance. This also sets greater demands on collaboration and interaction between different public agencies. Neither the traditional top-down approaches nor more decentralized governance structures seem to be adequate. The increasing significance of social media and the evolution of Web 2.0 platforms highlight the need to adopt more flexible and experimental approaches to e-government management and governance.  More knowledge is required on how public administrations should conduct and prioritize ICT efforts and how citizens can be involved in the development of public e-services. We need thus more insight into and experiences from alternative forms of governance that can handle such mutual interrelationships and increasing complexities. New research issues also emerge from the major changes that public administrations go through as a result of increased interaction and collaboration between agencies and in their interaction with the citizens. Accordingly, we ask for both theoretical contribution as well as work experiences that can throw light on this field.

The focus of invited submissions thus includes, but is not limited to:

  • New forms of governances and management  
  • Transparency and openness in digital governances approaches;
  • Citizen participation and involvement in public sector governance
  • E-infrastructure for public sector
  • Legal, organizational and institutional barriers to e-service development
  • The e-service concept
  • E-services and redesign of public administration processes
  • Inter-organizational relationships in public sector ICT
  • Innovative design and prototypes of e-government services
  • E-participation and social media in democratic processes
  • User-driven e-government design, management, and implementation;
  • Challenges of open-source and open-standard solutions in e-government;
  • Methods and concepts of participatory e-government processes;

We welcome contributions from a range of disciplines, such as public administration, political science, information systems, knowledge management, service management, economics, sociology, and law. Research may range from empirical studies to pure conceptual work. Each submission will be anonymously peer-reviewed by two reviewers.

The workshop is intended as a venue for discussion and feedback, so we invite full research papers, work-in-progress, as well as shorter position papers. Each paper will be allocated time for a short presentation, however discussion will be the main focus of the allotted time for each paper.

Details of the programme will be made available at the SWEG 2013 webpage i November 2012.

Position papers should be maximum 1500 words (approx. 4 pages), and should clearly and distinctly address one or more issues pertinent to e-government research including research methods and quality as well as focus of studies. Full papers should be max 5000 words, while research in progress should be max 3000 words. Irrespective of the form, all submissions should be designed to support in-depth discussions of one of these issues during the workshop.

Contributions with a focus on Scandinavian countries are welcome, but the forum is not limited to the Scandinavian research community, and aims at including a wide variety of perspectives on e-government research.

Similarly to previous SWEG, instead of publishing proceedings formally, we will use this workshop to prepare papers for publication in established outlets. Consequently, material presented at SWEG will not be copyright protected and can be submitted to other conferences or journals without further questions.


Important dates

Submissions due: November 25, 2012

Acceptance Notification: December 20, 2012 (pre-notification possible on request if necessary for funding of trip)

Registration due: January 25, 2013

Submit your paper in pdf format to:


Local organizers

Department of Government and University of Oslo

Local Organization Chair: Arild Jansen, Section for e-Government, University of Oslo


Workshop co-chairs

Karin Axelsson, Linköping University,

Arild Jansen, University of Oslo,

Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School,

Samuli Pekkula, Tampere University of Technology,


SWEG Founding fathers

Kim Normann Andersen, Aalborg University , Denmark,

Åke Grönlund, Örebro University, Sweden,

Carl E. Moe, University of Agder, Norway,


Published Oct. 5, 2012 2:43 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2020 1:37 PM