Institutional shareholders: a curse or a blessing?

Department of Private Law's seminar series / Company Law Forum

Inaugural lecture by Jukka Mähönen, Department of Private Law

This is a lecture in the Department of Private Law's revitalized seminar series and also a Company Law Forum.  

The seminar is open for all interested and will count as obligatory post-qualifying education (obligatorisk etterutdanning) for lawyers.


States, sovereign wealth funds, banks, insurance firms as well as mutual and hedge funds, just to name few examples of institutional investors are important shareholders in listed companies all over the world. Their role is however controversial. Some say that they are a major threat to corporate sustainability, using their power to maximize short-term shareholder value, or to use companies for their private, for example political, purposes to the detriment of long-term investments, employees and research and innovation. Others believe they are the key to better corporate governance and long-term sustainable business. It is crucial how we see the role of institutional shareholders in corporate governance and how we can use law to encourage them to do good rather than bad for the company, the society and the environment..

About the seminar

In this inaugural lecture, Professor Jukka Mähönen, whom we are honoured to have recruited from the University of Turku, will share with us his reflections on the positon of institutional investors. Professor Mähönen has come to the University of Oslo to join the Faculty of Law’s Research Group Companies, Markets, Society and the Environment, and will in his research here develop further his work in the fields of company law, financial market law, law and economics, accounting and auditing law as well as European Union law.

Responsible for this event is the Research Group Companies, Markets, Society and the Environment.


After the seminar we invite to a reception in Viggo Hagstrøms sal.


Please register for this seminar within 21 October. (Limited number of seats available.)


Note! Please use the entrance from "Aulakjelleren/kantina" to the seminar room "kjerka". Use the stair or the elevatior up to 2nd floor.



Published Sep. 4, 2015 11:24 AM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2024 11:23 AM