Project participants

Professor Giuditta Cordero Moss - project manager
Department of private law

Professor Viggo Hagstrøm
Department of private law

Professor Trine-Lise Wilhelmsen
Scandinavian institute of maritime law
Professor emr. Erling Selvig
Scandinavian instiitute of maritime law
Professor Lasse Simonsen
Department of private law
Senior Executive Officer Mona Østvang Ådum
Department of private law
Research fellow Herman Bruserud
Department of private law
Thesis' subject: " Hardshipklausuler"
(Philosophiae doctor defence: 2009)
Research fellow Anders Bernhard Mikelsen
Department of private law
Thesis: "Vilkårene for hindringsfritak i kjøpsforhold (kontrollansvaret)."
(Philosophiae doctor defence: 2010)

Research fellow Maryke Silalahi Nuth
Department of private law
Thesis: "E-commerce Contracting: The Effective Formation of Online Contracts."
(Philosophiae doctor defence: 2010)

Research fellow Edward T. Canuel
Department of private law / U.S. Embassey Oslo
Thesis: "Analyzing Norwegian and U.S. Contractual Damages Clauses. A Comparative Approach."
( 2009)
Research assistant Jens Christian Westly
Department of private law
Thesis: "No oral amendments"
Research assistant Kyrre Kielland
Department of private law
Thesis: "Liquidated damages- og penaltyklausuler - Erstatningsklausuler underlagt norsk rett"
(June 2008)
Research fellow Margrethe Buskerud Christoffersen
Department of private law
Thesis: "Kjøp og salg av virksomhet - selgers risiko og ansvar for mangler"
(October 2007)
Research assistant André Bjerketveit
Department of private law
Thesis' subject "Hold harmless og indemnification klausuler underlagt norsk rett "
(December 2007)
Research assistant Henrik Wærsted Bjørnstad
Department of private law
Thesis' subject "Entire agreement"
(January 2007)
Research assistant Bodil Kristine Høstmælingen
Department of private law
Thesis' subject "Subject to contract and best efforts, reasonable efforts"
(January 2007)
Research assistant Lars Ole Sikkeland
Department of private law
Thesis' subject "Conditions Precedent and Material adverse change"
(April 2006)
Research assistant Tor Sandsbraaten
Department of private law
Thesis' subject"Representations, warranties, conditions, covenants"
(November 2005)
Research assistant Silje Gundersen
Scandinavian institute of maritime law
Thesis' subject"Mortgagees' Interest Insurance "
(June 2005)
Research assistant Ingrid Lind Groh
Scandinavian institute of maritime law
Thesis' subject"Norwegian Marine Insurance Plan and Anglo American special conditions "
(December 2005)
Research assistant Kaja de Vibe
Scandinavian institute of maritime law
Thesis' subject "Various reinsurance clauses "
(December 2005)
Research assistant Fredrik Skribeland
Department of private law
Thesis' subject "No-waiver "
(June 2005)
Research assistant Stian Fagervold
Department of private law
Thesis' subject "Avtalte skriftkrav i kommersielle avtaleforhold. De rettslige konsekvenser av brudd på skriftkrav med avtalehjemmel."
(June 2005)
Research assistant Christine Halvorsen
Department of private law
Thesis' subject
"Erstatningsansvar for avbrutte kontraktsforhandlinger etter engelsk rett"
(June 2004)


Published Oct. 21, 2011 10:38 AM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2011 11:38 AM