Liquidated damages- og penaltyklausuler

By Kyrre W. Kielland

Project publication no 6 from the Anglo-project.

Published: Institutt for privatretts Skriftserie - Nr. 180, 2010

Prosjektet "Anglo-American Contract Models" har nå utkommet med sin prosjekt-publikasjon nr. 6 "Liquidated damages- og penaltyklausuler". Arbeidet er en bearbeidet versjon av Kyrre Kiellands spesialoppgave som ble skrevet mens han var vitenskapelig assistent ved Institutt for privatrett.

"Liquidated damages and penalty clauses pre-estimate damages for breach of contract without proof of loss.

This paper analyses the effects of these clauses under common law (US and English law) and civil law (Norwegian law). It discusses enforceability of such clauses, as well as the implications of enforceable damages clauses on other remedies for breach of contract.

The paper is based on the work carried out as a research assistant at the Department of private law, University of Oslo, in the frame om the research project "Anglo-American Contract Models and Norwegian or other Civilian Governing Law".

The paper is written in Norwegian, and has an extensive summary in English."

Published Feb. 18, 2011 11:44 AM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2011 12:04 PM