

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Det juridiske fakultet

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice has requested Professor Giuditta Cordero-Moss, University of Oslo, to submit a proposal for a statute on choice of law rules for contractual and non-contractual obligations. This conference is organized to ensure that the proposal reflects state-of-the-art knowledge on the field at the international level.

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo

UNIDROIT - Principles of International Commercial Contracts Issues relating to long term contracts. Read more about the Conference here.

Time and place: , Kjerka, DMV

Som ledd i det pågående prosjekt Arbitration and Party Autonomy ved Universitetet i Oslo inviterer vi til seminar 13. mars 2014 fra kl. 9.00 til kl. 12.00 med påfølgende lunsj i Domus media, Karl Johans gate 47.

Time and place: , Yara AS, Bygdøy Alle 2, 0257 Oslo

Arbitration is increasingly under pressure, criticised for being time consuming, costly and excessively formalised.


Time and place: , Auditorium 13, Domus Media

Vi vil presentere det norske OECD kontaktpunkt for ansvarlig næringsliv og ILAs retningslinjer for tvisteløsning om multinasjonale selskapers ansvar for brudd på menneskerettigheter og miljøskade.

Time and place: , Orkla, Karenslyst allé 6
Time and place: , Statoil, Oslo, Drammensveien 264, 0283 Oslo

The impact of the applicable law on the interpretation of contracts (day one) The impact of intellectual property rules and of the arbitrability rule on the enforceability of arbitral awards (day two)

Time and place: , Advokatfirmaet Selmer, Tjuvholmen allé 1, 0112 Oslo
Time and place: , Room 540, Domus Nova, St. Olavs plass 5, 0166 Oslo
Time and place: , Shippingklubben, Haakon VII’s gt 1, Oslo. Hosted by DLA Piper
Time and place: , Selmer Lawfirm, Tjuvholmen allé 1, 0252 Oslo

This conference gathers highly recognised experts and representatives of the most important forms of arbitration, who will present the main features that characterise their respective field.

The aim is to give the users of arbitration an overview of the various arbitral institutions, rules and trends, so that they are in a better position to make the proper choice of arbitration.

Time and place: , Statoil, Drammensveien 264, Vækerø, 0283 Oslo
Time and place: , Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA, Tjuvholmen allé 1