Seminar on the regulation of Credit Rating Agencies

The seminar is organised by Professor Mads Andenæs, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo and Professor Gudula Deipenbrock, University of Applies Sciences, Berlin. The seminar will be open to scholars and practitioners.

The seminar aims to critically assess

  1. selected aspects of the European regulatory and supervisory regime for credit rating agencies (CRAs) and
  2. the fundamental regulatory approach to the use of credit ratings in the European Union (Union).

Focus will be on whether the legal acts - de lege lata and de lege ferenda - respond adequately to the malfunctions of the credit rating sector.

Seminar programme

Please register within 15 November.

Published May 9, 2012 9:55 AM - Last modified June 30, 2014 1:36 PM