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Welfare across borders: solidarity, equality and free movement (LEVEL)

The project's main objective is to analyze the impact of EEA law on the welfare state. It is the first analysis of its kind. The research group includes Europe's leading experts on free movement and European welfare law.

Image may contain: Cloud, Sky, Hand, People in nature, Vertebrate., by Prazis.

About the project

Work Package I examines three overarching issues. The first is to what extent the concept of solidarity in EU law is transferrable to the EEA context. Further we examine the reach of the social rights in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and their potential impact within the framework of the EEA agreement. The third question in Work Package I is how the rights in the EEA agreement should be reflected in national legislation. Welfare legislation is aimed at everyone. It is not sufficient to clarify what the rights are about; citizens must also be informed about their rights in a clear and comprehensive manner.

Work Package II deals with four specific issues. First, we will analyze and follow up the legal processes in the aftermath of the Social Security Scandal, as they provide important lessons. Second, we examine the impact of EEA law with regard to so-called activity requirements that pursue the objective of enabling integration into working life. If such requirements make physical presence in Norway necessary, this must be weighed against the right to free movement. Third, we explore the coherence between labour law and social security law with regard to protection of vulnerable groups, such as the self-employed. Fourth, we study patients' rights to receive cross-border treatment and related services throughout the EEA.

Project period

The project will run for four years, starting on 1. October 2021.


The project have financing from the Norwegian Research Council.



View all works in Cristin

  • Sætervadet, Torkell & Bø, Øyvind (2024). Dagpengesaken – hvor står vi nå?
  • Bekkedal, Tarjei & Andenæs, Mads (2023). Fri bevegelighet for personer: Uvilje mot folkevilje.
  • Bekkedal, Tarjei & Andenæs, Mads (2023). Omkamp om omvendt legalitetsprinsipp.
  • Baetens, Freya (2023). Transparency across international courts and tribunals.
  • Baetens, Freya (2023). Protection of individuals in light of sea-level rise: assessing the work of the ILC.
  • Baetens, Freya (2023). Non-adjudicative mechanisms in inter-State dispute resolution: Countering the backlash with a return to the past?
  • Baetens, Freya (2023). Interaction between advisory opinion proceedings: procedural and substantive implications.
  • Baetens, Freya (2023). Legalising EU foreign policy: a model for China?
  • Baetens, Freya (2023). Awards. In Ruiz Fabri, Helene (Eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780191872549.
  • Petti, Alessandro (2022). The EU Covid-19 vaccines purchase and export mechanism: autonomy and solidarity across borders.
  • Bekkedal, Tarjei (2022). Syv jusprofessorer: Hemmelighold kaster skygge over oppryddingen etter Nav-skandalen. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten morgenutgave trykt.
  • Bekkedal, Tarjei & Andenæs, Mads (2022). Stortinget kan ikke lovfeste blindsonen.
  • Bekkedal, Tarjei & Andenæs, Mads (2022). Lærte man noe av trygdeskandalen?
  • Bekkedal, Tarjei & Andenæs, Mads (2022). Ingen blindsone, men bom.
  • Petti, Alessandro (2022). The Polisario saga: the principle of good administration and the interface between EU law and international law . In Fromage, Diane (Eds.), Jacques Ziller a European scholar. European University Institute. ISSN 978-92-9466-346-7. p. 28–48. doi: 10.2870/098663.
  • Bekkedal, Tarjei & Andenæs, Mads (2022). Ut av blindsonen. VG : Verdens gang. ISSN 0805-5203.

View all works in Cristin

Published Dec. 13, 2021 8:53 AM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2023 9:00 AM


Project leader

Tarjei Bekkedal


Ørnulf Kristiansen


Detailed list of participants