The rule of law and the rights of individuals: Current state of play

LEVEL-conference on substantive rights, the rule of law and the protection of legal certainty. 

The conference is open for all interested.

EU law and the EEA Agreement afford citizens substantive rights and provide institutional mechanisms that underpin individual rights and guarantee their enforcement. At this international conference, we gather leading European academics to discuss the protection of the rule of law in various contexts and to examine the connection between substantive and institutional guarantees of legal certainty. The conference is a collaboration between the LEVEL project and the Università di Cagliari.


Opening remarks - 9:30

Mariano Porcu – Director of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Cagliari

Session I - 9:40 to 11:00

Chair: Mads Andenas (University of Oslo)

  • Christophe Hillion (University of Oslo) – The promotion of the rule of law in the CFSP
  • Alessandro Petti (University of Oslo) - The EU and the Polisario saga: in search of the rule of law?
  • Anna Pau (University of Pisa)– Consistency with EU values and principles: what implications for the rule of law and international law in external relations?
  • Tarjei Bekkedal (University of Oslo) – The rule of law and the EEA

Session II - 11:30 to 13:00

Chair: Daniele Amoroso (University of Cagliari)

  • Astrid Iversen (University of Oslo) – The rights of individuals (creditors) in the context of debt restructuring from a rule of law perspective
  • Giulia Ciliberto (University of Cagliari) – The promotion of the rule of law within the United Nations: where do we stand?
  • Paolo Palchetti (University of Paris 1) – Terminating Investment agreements and rights of the investors: where does the rule of law stand?
  • Francesca Ippolito (University of Cagliari) – The rule of law and the environment

Roundtable discussion - 15:30 to 17:30

Chaired by Giacomo Biagioni (University of Cagliari) titled:
“The situation in Ukraine from a rule of law perspective” .

Concluding remarks: 17:30

Viktoriia Lapa, Bocconi University


Professor Tarjei Bekkedal.

Logo University of CaligiariThe event is part of the research project “The Rule of Law Crisis and Democratic Backsliding in the EU” coordinated by Luca Pantaleo (University of Cagliari) and fully funded by the Fondazione di Sardegna.

Published Aug. 3, 2023 1:10 PM - Last modified Aug. 4, 2023 9:01 AM