The common core of European Administrative laws: mid-level standards

Welcome to lunch seminar on "The common core of European Administrative laws: mid-level standards". Presentation by Giacinto della Cananea

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Link to the book- open access


Though European administrative laws have gained global significance in the last few decades, studies that provide both theoretical analysis and original empirical research have been scarce. In his recent book Giacinto della Cananea offers an important account of the evolution of judicial review and administrative procedure legislation, using a factual analysis to shed light on how the different legal systems react to similar problems. The discussion about the ‘common core’ focuses not on the generalities of public law, which can be found in most legal systems of the world, but on mid-level standards of administrative action, concerning both adjudication and rule-making. Arguably, these mid-level standards, including the right to be heard and the duty to give reasons, have an increasingly important place in legal justification of administrative powers. 


Giacinto della Cananea is a leading authority on comparative administrative law and EU administrative law. He is full professor of Administrative Law at Bocconi University in Milan. He has been awarded an advanced grant by the European Research Council for his research on the Common Core of European Administrative Law. His publications include several monographs including Due Process of Law Beyond the State (OUP, 2016), edited volumes with prestigious publishers, and over 150 articles and book chapters on national and EU administrative law, and global administrative law. His work is cross-disciplinary, often in cooperation with historians of law, experts of international law (particularly in the field of foreign investment), and political scientists, addressing topics as administrative procedures, judicial review, and regulation.


Published May 6, 2024 12:37 PM - Last modified May 6, 2024 1:09 PM