e-Me – identity management and authentication in new social media (completed)

The overall objective of the e-Me-project is to provide new knowledge that can significantly improve the usability and accessibility of identity management (IDM) and authentication mechanisms in new social networks without compromising privacy, security or offending legal frameworks.

From: eMe Project Description


The e-Me-project addresses IDM challenges related to the key Verdikt-themes social networks and mobile internet systems, with a focus on accessibility and inclusion issues and challenges in the emerging research field inclusive identity management (IIDM) [19]. Inclusive identity management is one of the most critical issues of the new internet, seen from all perspectives: users, providers and policy makers. In order to use electronic services, user often must be authenticated and their user accounts must be managed. A basic requirement for accessible systems is therefore that IDM-methods can be used by a broad range of users, with different skills, ages, and different (dis)abilities.


The projects aims at advancing knowledge in the above-mentioned field by (1) studying the changing role of identity management in the context of increasingly pervasive social networks, which, in turn, offer a basis for (2) developing and evaluating demonstrators in specific case areas, in order to pave the way for accessible, privacy-enhancing IIDM-solutions in social networks and mobile internet systems. The two cases
are (a) Social networks in public service, the Altinn service, and (b) Net banking on smart phones. Recent developments underscore the increasing societal and commercial significance of identity, privacy and identity management issues in new social media:
  • Social networks and Web 2.0 put the user in thecentre of service offerings – not least in terms of user identification (authentication) and secure access authorization across multiple services.
  • Social networks are rapidly transforming from mainly means for informal communication between individual persons and social groups, towards including also the more formal modes of communication and even commercial service production, in which secure and trusted IDMsolutions are crucial.
  • The borders between marketing and social networking are blurred in ways that challenge privacy concerns as well as the non-commercial sharing and peer-to-peer communication culture of the traditional internet-based social networks.
  • With the ever-increasing popularity of smart phones and 3G-access, IDM becomes a critical issue both for users and providers in the mobile industry. Large communication providers are “coming to realize that the key to monetizing this access is identity management”, as put by Nokia Siemens Networks. Accessible and user-friendly IDM-solutions will therefore be crucial because these qualities are crucial for the core business, and increasingly so.


Read the full project description (pdf)


Published Nov. 12, 2012 12:38 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2023 1:51 PM


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