Hybrid Net

The regulatory framework of ICANN and the Domain Name System (DNS): Unravelling the mesh

What kind of legal animal is ICANN? What is its legal basis and role in the management of the DNS? Emily Weitzenboeck is looking at these questions, which fall within the second main prong of the Igov2 project. Her research delves into contractual network theory, and draws upon theories of hybrid networks and network or “mesh” regulation. It also draws upon her doctoral research, published as A Legal Framework for Emerging Business Models: Dynamic Networks as Collaborative Contracts (Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2012) (363 pages).

Contact: Emily Weitzenboeck e.m.weitzenboeck@jus.uio.no

Published Apr. 11, 2013 4:13 PM