Resource group meeting: The good examples - what works and why?

St. Olavs gate 23

Photo: UiO

The Sustainable Companies Project invites its resource group to a meeting as a part of the ongoing work with reform proposals. With the aim of finding out how to internalise environmental concerns in the decision-making in companies, the Project is eager to hear about the good examples. This can serve as inspiration and examples in our work.

The meeting will be divided up into separate sessions with companies, investors, NGOs and so on.

The programme for the meeting is in Norwegian, as all the resource group members speak Norwegian. Anybody interested in contributing with inspiring examples and other constructive feedback to the work of the project can also contact Beate Sjåfjell directly.

Published Apr. 4, 2013 4:48 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2014 12:01 PM