Publications - Page 4

The International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal, as its name indicates, is a journal devoted to the scholarly analysis of the law and practice relating to corporations, on an international and comparative basis. While the law relating to corporate enterprise is properly practical in orientation, scholarly discussion and deliberation has a clear role to play not only in the development of the law and regulatory environment, but also in the application of the existing law and, in particular, its interface with other related bodies of law.

The journal is published by CMP publishing.

The article of Błażej Kuźniacki, PhD Research Fellow at the Department of Public and International ( a member of the Research Group Companies, Markets, Society and the Environment) titled "EEA Exemption from Norwegian CFC rules" that was published in the Norwegian tax journal Skatterett 3/2014, pp. 260–302 is nominated for the price "The Article of the Year - 2014" of the Universitetsforlaget.