A Legal Framwork for Emerging Business Models

- Dynamic networks as collaborative contracts.

Postdoktor Emily Weitzenböck har utgitt sin PhD-avhandling som bok.


The last two decades have witnessed the growth of new forms of entrepreneurial cooperation such as dynamic networks like virtual enterprises and enterprise pools. These business forms are often hybrid, having elements of both contract-based organizations and corporate forms, in particular partnership. This book examines the relative utility of contract and partnership law in fostering and maintaining these emerging business models, concentrating on dynamic networks. Focus is directed at how dynamic networks are organized and how the behaviour of their member firms is regulated. The background and preconditions for the emergence and growth of such business forms is also investigated.

Boken er utgitt på Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Fås både i papir og elektronisk utgave.

Publisert 7. nov. 2012 14:57 - Sist endret 3. juni 2016 13:22