Cooperative Investments under Incomplete Contracts with Expectation Damages and Quality Thresholds: Intermediate Range Equilibrium Structure

Av Gunnar Nordén

Skriftserie nr. 184 - 2010

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Utgivelser og bestilling - Pris: Kr. 185,-

Om boken

The paper investigates the mathematical structure of equilibrium investments under renogation in Alexander Stremitzer's (2008) expansion on Y.K. Che & T.Y. Chung's (1999) incomplete contract model with cooperative investments. Some fundamental inequalities (levels) and some results on incentives (marginals) are derived. Alternative boundary conditions to the ones invoked by Che & Chung ensuring interior solutions are discussed.

Boken er utgitt på Institutt for privatretts skriftserie.

- 27 sider

Publisert 12. okt. 2012 13:41 - Sist endret 5. mars 2021 15:04