Cybercrime law and digital forensics

Tuesday coffee seminar. 

The seminar is open for everyone, and there is no registration. 

Professor Inger Marie Sunde, at the Norwegian Police University College (Politihøgskolen) will present "Digital Forensics", published on Wiley in June this year. 

“Digital Forensics” is a multidisciplinary academic textbook covering cyber investigations, digital evidence and cybercrime law. It has been edited by Andre Årnes, prof II at NTNU and Group Business Security Officer in Telenor. The book is the first of its kind in a Norwegian context and stands out from the wealth of international literature concerning digital forensics, by its problem oriented investigation focus within the framework of human rights law and the European cybercrime convention. 

Sunde is the author of chapter 3 Cybercrime Law, which spans human rights, criminal substantive and procedural law, and principles of mutual legal assistance in criminal investigations. The textbook has the international student in mind, trying to bridge the gap between investigators who work in an increasingly international environment along similar forensic methods, yet have to comply with the laws of the domestic jurisdiction.


Publisert 4. okt. 2017 14:23 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2017 14:23