Teknologitimen: Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics

The seminar is open for everyone, and there is no registration. 

At the sesminar, Arnoldo Frigessi will briefly present four of his recent machine learning projects, with keywords viral marketing, credit scoring with deep learning, anomaly detection and recommender systems. He also hopes to have some time to discuss the usefulness of analyzing data that does not appear in principle to be useful and the key role of uncertainty quantification. This is work within the centre for research-based innovation BigInsight. 

Arnoldo Frigessi is professor of statistics at the University of Oslo, leads the Oslo Center for Biostatistics and Epidemiology and is director of BigInsight. BigInsight is a centre of excellence for research-based innovation, a consortium of industry, business, public actors and academia, developing model based and machine learning methodologies for big data in various sectors of the Norwegian knowledge based economy. Frigessi’s research interests include stochastic models, computationally intensive statistics, big data, preference learning, multivariate dependence, with applications to molecular biology, cancer, personalized marketing and eHealth.


Publisert 24. apr. 2018 15:34 - Sist endret 24. apr. 2018 15:34