Copyright Reform

Tuesday Coffee Seminar.

The seminar is open for everyone, and there is no registration.

"The copyright reform will kill the Internet as we know it" – similar headlines have been seen several times during the last couple of months. 

The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was voted through on March 26th 2019 in the European Parliament, and was approved by the Council of the European Union on April 15th 2019.

This is a possibility to examine what this directive is, and if it will in fact destroy the Internet or not. Johan Axhamn and Sebastian Schwemer will take a deep look at the directive, and lecture about its background, the political process and give an overview of the directive as a whole. They will especially focus on Article 3 (text and data mining), Article 15 (link tax) and Article 17 (upload filter).

The TKS will be held in English and cover many aspects that are interesting for non-copyright-enthusiasts, too!



Johan Axhamn, dr. juris. and Assistant Professor at Lund University is a guest scientist at SERI. Sebastian Schwemer is an Industrial Researcher at Centre for Information and Innovation Law (CIIR) at University of Copenhagen and Danish Internet Forum (DIFO). 

Publisert 23. apr. 2019 16:05 - Sist endret 30. apr. 2019 14:42