Accountability and Internet of Things (IoT): How can we put self-determination into practice?

Velkommen til tirsdagskaffeseminar med Frank Eliassen og Geir Horn!

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Foto: Bjarne Røsjø / UiO

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Om foredraget - About the talk

In this talk we will consider GDPR and the requirement  for  “external accountability” in an IoT-context. Examples of such requirements include giving consent, minimal data collection, granular choice over own data, and limit data distribution. A challenge for ICT researchers and developers is finding technological solutions for how we can put the individual´s rights to self-determination wrt these requirements,  into practice. We will describe how the idea of a personal data assistant and open data markets attempts to address this issue. But are technological solutions enough? How can such solutions be enforced in practice? What role can standards and regulations play?

Frank Eliassen is professor at Department of informatics. His research interests are oriented towards service-oriented IoT/edge/fog computing and Cyber-Physical Systems, adaptive software systems, autonomic computing, blockchain technologies, trusted execution environments, and data-driven/intelligent energy management. 

Geir Horn is Head of European ICT Research at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.  His current research interests are on how to handle complexity and services choreography for large-scale distributed applications through adaptation, autonomic decisions, self-awareness, and emergence. 


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Publisert 12. okt. 2020 12:09 - Sist endret 5. mai 2021 15:09