AVLYST: GDPR and national laws: Disharmonized by design?

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Om foredraget

General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is a legal instrument which accomplished an astonishing feat: it captured the attention of legislators, business representatives and ordinary citizens around the world. Aiming to comprehensively harmonize the European data protection framework, GDPR came with a seemingly clear promise: organizations would need to process people’s personal data in a fair and accountable manner – or face dire financial consequences. People would be empowered to make informed choices about how their data is being used; and organizations would benefit from having to adhere to one common European data protection framework, instead of analyzing a patchwork of national rules.
This presentation sets out to challenge this narrative by demonstrating that European data protection law is not a self-sufficient, harmonized field many believe it to be. It will be shown that GDPR cannot introduce a fully harmonized data protection framework, and that this creates significant practical consequences for the individuals, businesses and supervisory authorities.

Milos Novovic er førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for rettsvitenskap og styring ved BI.  


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Publisert 2. mars 2020 09:04 - Sist endret 11. mars 2020 21:48