TKS: Data protection in the context of aid work in the Global South

Join us for a Tuesday coffee seminar with Beata Paragi!

Bildet kan inneholde: servise, kaffe kopp, drikkevarer, servise, kopp.

Registration below.

Beata Paragi is an associate professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, currently also studying ICT law at UiO/NRCCL. She was a Visiting Researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an EU Marie Curie research Fellow at the Fafo Research Foundation, Oslo. Her publications include papers published in Current AnthropologyJournal of Intervention and Statebuilding and Alternatives, Third World Quarterly, Mediterranean Politics, and a recent monograph, Foreign Aid in the Middle East: In Search of Peace and Democracy (2019, I. B. Tauris – Bloomsbury).

Her current research interest concerns the right to privacy and data protection in the context of aid projects impemented in the Global South. The purpose of Beata's research has been to explore how the EU can protect these rights and to map NGOs experiences and dilemmas. While states and civil society organizations are required to comply with relevant laws and legal mechanisms in the context of aid work too, their accountability towards their donors and beneficiaries in the Global South may be in conflict with each other. 

The purpose of Beata's research is to explore how various EU/EEA-based NGOs comply with the counter-terrorism clauses enshrined in grant agreements in the context of data protection regulation, more precisely, the GDPR. Focusing on the principle of transparency and the right to information on the one hand and on the tech solutions (screening software used) on the other hand, a diverse set of research methods (desk research, online survey, qualitative interviews) have been used to explore how various EU/EEA-based NGOs do screening in the context aid work. 

Registration for physical and virtual attendance. The Zoom-link will be sent to participants. There will be coffee/tea and biscuits for those who attend in person.

Contact person: Øystein Flø Baste

Publisert 29. okt. 2021 13:30 - Sist endret 29. okt. 2021 14:23