TKS: Guidance on digitalisation friendly legislation

Join us for a digital Tuesday coffee seminar with Astrid Solhaug from Digitaliseringsdirektoratet (Digitalisation Agency)!

kvinne, blondt hår, ansikt, smil

Astrid Solhaug, Foto: Privat

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The Norwegian Resource Centre for Sharing of Data has been assigned the task of developing guidance on digitalisation friendly legislation. This is one of the action points in the National Strategy for Digitalisation for 2019-2025, which is a shared strategy by the Government and The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS).

The guidance will be the first of its kind in Norway, and will prevent that legislation hinders the digitalisation of the public sector. It will targeted those who develop new legislation, and will amongst others lay down multi-disciplinary cooperation as a key element for developing legislation that facilitates digitalisation. You will be presented with the draft guidance, and get the opportunity to provide your input and ideas to the work.

Astrid Solhaug is a senior adviser in the Norwegian Resource Centre for Sharing of Data in the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency. She is a social scientist (sociologist) with experience from the Norwegian Ministry of Justice, as a Counsellor for Justice and Home Affairs at the Mission of Norway to the EU and as a Seconded National Expert from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the EU Commission.


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Publisert 10. mai 2021 12:25 - Sist endret 12. mai 2021 17:10