XXXVI Nordic Conference on Law and Information Technology

Securitization, Risk, Rule of Law

 – and, oh yes, a Pandemic!

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, laptop, personlig datamaskin, datamaskin, flash fotografering.

The XXXVI Conference in Law and Information Technology will be devoted to the overarching themes of security, risk management, and rule of law. It will be held in conjunction with the final conference of the research project ‘Security in Internet Governance and Networks: Analysing the Law’ (SIGNAL), funded by the Research Council of Norway and UNINETT Norid AS.

The overarching themes of the conference have long been integral elements of regulatory discourse on the interaction of law and technology. However, the ongoing pandemic has elevated their prominence in the minds of regulators and the general public. Hence, it is pertinent to consider key recent and ongoing developments in their regulatory manifestations—also in light of responses to the pandemic.


Please register your participation by 28 October 2021.

Register for digital attendance.
Register for Hotel Bristol and physical attendance.
Register for Conference dinner at Gamle Logen
Payment for Conference dinner at Gamle Logen


Conference program



The conference will be held both through digital attendance and physical attendance at Hotel Bristol, Kristian IVs gate. 7, 0164 Oslo. Information on how to connect at the conference will be sent out to the participants two-three days before the conference.
Participation in the conference is free. There is an participation fee for the conference dinner. Information about this can be found on the online form for registration for the dinner. 

If you have any questions regarding registration/participation, please contact our administration.



Senter for rettsinformatikk
Publisert 24. aug. 2021 12:58 - Sist endret 9. des. 2021 11:42