TKS: Autonomy—A Definitional Challenge in Drone Regulation

Velkommen til Tirsdagskaffeseminar med en presentasjon av Samar Abbas Nawaz. Samar er stipendiat ved Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) og tidligere LL.M student ved Universitetet i Oslo. 

Tirsdagskaffeseminar (TKS) er åpent for alle og krever ingen påmelding. TKS organiseres nå av den nye forskergruppen Jus og teknologi (JOT), og er en videreføring og bevaring av Tirsdagskaffeseminarene som ble etablert av Senter for rettsinformatikk allerede i 1973.

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Om seminaret: 

Civilian drones are gaining more independence in their varied functions from human involvement which renders them an ‘autonomous’ status. This aspect is now gaining regulatory importance within the European Union, United Kingdom, and Australia as their regulations mention explicit definition of autonomous operations. However, in doing so they tend to follow a strictly objective approach where either a drone would operate fully autonomously or not at all. Hence, they disregard varied levels of autonomy. This paper critically analyses such an approach against the prevailing understanding of ‘autonomy’ in the human factor and ergonomics literature, and certain other autonomous technologies such as self-driving cars, autonomous weapon systems, and autonomous maritime ships. I argue that adoption of a spectral approach towards defining autonomy, instead of an objective one, would not only harmonize regulation with technical conceptualization of autonomy but could also tackle various regulatory implications. This paper overall points to the need for thorough assessment of the concept of autonomy for effective regulation of advanced forms of drones.


Forskergruppen Jus og teknologi 

Senter for rettsinformatikk


Publisert 11. okt. 2022 16:09 - Sist endret 11. okt. 2022 16:09