Thomas Mathiesen’s Memorial Seminar

Thomas Mathiesen was one of the founders of Norwegian sociology of law and gave key contributions to international scholarship and prison abolitionism for several decades. Last May we received the sad news that he had passed away. As the institution where he worked until his retirement, the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law is organizing a seminar in honour of his contribution to scholarship and activism.

Image may contain: Glasses, Glasses, Chin, Bookcase, Furniture.

Thomas Mathiesen (1933-2021). Foto: Scanpix (Olav Urdahl).

Join the seminar:

It is possible to join the seminar in person or by zoom. Please register if you want to attend the seminar in Gamle festsal.
If you want to attend via zoom, registration is not needed. On the day of the seminar, you will find a link to Zoom here.

Register for the seminar here

Join on Zoom


*09:45   Refreshments 

10:15    Welcome, Head of Department, Professor May-Len Skilbrei

10:30    Mathiesen on Surveillance and Resistance, Professor Helene Gundhus

11:00    Mathiesen on Prison and Society, Professor Peter Scharff Smith

11:30    Pause

11:40    Mathiesen and the Futility of Prison for Criminality, Professor emeritus Henrik Tham, Stockholm University (Zoom)

11:55    Mathiesen as Colleague, Professor emeritus Kristian Andenæs

12:10    Lunch

13:00    Mathiesen and Research as Activism, Dr. Victoria Canning, University of Bristol (Zoom)

13:30    Mathiesen as inspiration: A socio-legal perspective on the aftermath of terror, Professor Kristin Bergtora Sandvik

14:00   Mathiesen and the Nordic Socio-Legal Tradition, Professor Ole Hammerslev, University of Southern Denmark/ Lund University

14:30   Pause

14:45   Mathiesen as a Public Intellectual, Professor Katja Franko

15:15   The Politics of Abolition in West Germany, Professor emeritus Knut Papendorf (Zoom)

15:30    Mathiesen and Abolitionism, Dr. Ida Nafstad, Lund University

16:00   Closing remarks, Professor Helene Gundhus  

*Programme may be subject to changes

Follow this link to read the official obituary issued by The Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law:

Published Nov. 5, 2021 1:57 PM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2023 3:32 PM