Pernille Nyvoll

Image of Pernille Nyvoll
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Kristian Augusts gate 17 Domus Juridica 8.etg 0164 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 6706 St. Olavs plass 0130 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Law (Student)

Academic interests 

  • Prison
  • Prison cooperation
  • Qualitative methods

Pernille Nyvolls PhD project "Health promoting prisons" look at health in prison from an interdisciplinary perspective. The concept health is often associated with traditional medical treatment. This project look at health from a broader perspective, such as architecture, material conditions, social relations and agency. 

The doctorate is part of the research project "PRISONHEALTH" and is financed by the The Research Council of Norway.

Courses taught

Nyvoll has taught the following topics:


Nyvoll holds an interdisciplinary Master's degree in European studies from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). During the degree she has studied abroad in Spain and England, and has been a trainee at the Norwegian Embassy in Riga and at NTNUs Brussels Office. Through her traineeship in Riga she became interested in the EEA Norway Grants and choose to write her master thesis in the Norwegian Grant's Correctional Services programme. The thesis was a qualitative analysis of the role and effect of the Norwegian Grants to the Latvian probation and prison service. 

She has also worked with research support at the Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science at NTNU, mostly with welfare technology and social robotics.

Tags: EEA and Europe, Prison, Penology, Rehabilitation, Criminology


  • Ugelvik, Thomas; Boyle, Rose Elisabeth; Jewkes, Yvonne & Nyvoll, Pernille (2022). Disrupting ‘healthy prisons’: Exploring the conceptual and experiential overlap between illness and imprisonment. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. ISSN 0265-5527. p. 1–16. doi: 10.1111/hojo.12498. Full text in Research Archive
  • Søraa, Roger Andre; Nyvoll, Pernille; Tøndel, Gunhild; Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard & Serrano, Artur (2021). The social dimension of domesticating technology: Interactions between older adults, caregivers, and robots in the home. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. ISSN 0040-1625. 167. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120678. Full text in Research Archive
  • Søraa, Roger Andre; Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard; Quintas, Joao; Dias, Jorge; Tøndel, Gunhild & Sørgaard, Jon [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2020). Mitigating isolation and loneliness with technology through emotional care by social robots in remote. In Ray, Pradeep Kumar; Nakashima, Naoki; Ahmed, Ashir; Ro, Soong-Chul & Soshino, Yasuhiro (Ed.), Mobile Technologies for Delivering Healthcare in Remote, Rural or Developing Regions. Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISSN 9781839530470. p. 255–268. doi: %2010.1049/PBHE024E_ch16. Full text in Research Archive
  • Søraa, Roger Andre; Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm; Grønvik, Karoline Blix & Serrano, Artur (2020). Children’s perceptions of social robots: a study of the robots Pepper, AV1 and Tessa at Norwegian research fairs. AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence. ISSN 0951-5666. doi: 10.1007/s00146-020-00998-w. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2024). “Patient or prisoner?”: Perceptions of prison healthcare services and the conflict between care and security.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2024). “Healthy prisons” during disruptions. Nordic Criminology Blog.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2023). Prisoner or patient? Prisoners' perceptions of healthcare services in Norwegian prisons .
  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2023). Health assets in low-security prisons - Temporary disruptions and prisoners’ perceived health and wellbeing.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille & Lie, Martine S.B. (2023). Villrev i fangenskap - om revepopulasjonen på Bastøya.
  • Ugelvik, Thomas; Nyvoll, Pernille & Rokkan, Tore (2023). Kroppslig autonomi og "sunne fengsler": Om løping under og etter straffegjennomføring.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille & Boyle, Rose Elisabeth (2023). Disrupting healthy prisons: Exploring the conceptual and experiental overlap between illness and imprisonment .
  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2023). Opplevelsen av helsetjenester i fengsel.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2023). Lavere sikkerhet og endringer i Kriminalomsorgen - perspektiver fra feltarbeid.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille & Lie, Martine S.B. (2023). Villrev i fangenskap - om revepopulasjonen på Bastøya.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2022). Availability of health assets in low-security prisons.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2022). Health benefits of natural environments in prison.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille & Ausland, Liv Hanson (2022). Helsefremmende fengsel.
  • Boyle, Rose Elisabeth & Nyvoll, Pernille (2022). Analysing the "healthy prison": Incarceration, illness and institutionality.
  • Boyle, Rose Elisabeth & Nyvoll, Pernille (2022). PRISONHEALTH og PriSUD: Forskning på helse og rusbehandling i fengsel.
  • Winquist, Bjørn & Nyvoll, Pernille (2022). Ingen landsomfattende helsetilsyn i fengslene på 20 år: Etterlyser tilsyn. [Newspaper]. Klassekampen.
  • Boyle, Rose Elizabeth; Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm & Ugelvik, Thomas (2021). The puzzle of prison order: why life behind bars varies behind the world. Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books.
  • Boyle, Rose Elisabeth & Nyvoll, Pernille (2021). Snapshots from ongoing fieldwork.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille (2020). Sosiale roboter i eldreomsorgen.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille; Søraa, Roger Andre; Sørgaard, Jon & Serrano, Artur (2020). Gerontechnologies of the home as socio-technical assemblages of trust.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille; Søraa, Roger Andre; Sørgaard, Jon & Serrano, Artur (2020). Gerontechnologies of the home as socio-technical assemblages of trust. Gerontechnology. ISSN 1569-1101. 19. doi: 10.4017/gt.2020.19.s.70024.5.
  • Søraa, Roger Andre; Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm & Sørgaard, Jon (2020). Velferdsteknologi, seminar med helsefagelever.
  • Søraa, Roger Andre; Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm; Bruijning, Nienke & Serrano, Artur (2020). Cyborg Cinema #1 robot forum film screening and discussion "Robot and Frank".
  • Nyvoll, Pernille; Søraa, Roger Andre; Kharas, Mark William & Serrano, Artur (2019). (LIFEBOTS Exchange website).
  • Nyvoll, Pernille; Kharas, Mark William; Søraa, Roger Andre; Serrano, Artur & Bruijning, Nienke (2019). (Immersive Robotics Lab website).
  • Serrano, Artur; Søraa, Roger Andre & Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm (2019). LIFEBOTS-Exchange web page.
  • Søraa, Roger Andre; Serrano, Artur & Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm (2019). IMRO-lab web page.
  • Søraa, Roger Andre & Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm (2019). Social robots mitigating loneliness in the north.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm & Søraa, Roger Andre (2019). eWare - Social Robot and Lifestyle Monitoring.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm; Søraa, Roger Andre; Serrano, Artur; Sutcliffe, Thomas Edward & Bruijning, Nienke (2019). LIFEBOTS Exchange Seminar and Workshop on Care Practices and Welfare Technologies.
  • Søraa, Roger Andre; Serrano, Artur; Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm & Sutcliffe, Thomas Edward (2019). South Korean perspectives on STS.
  • Nyvoll, Pernille Søderholm & Steinnes, Kristian (2018). Norwegian and Latvian cooperation in correctional services - A qualitative analysis of the role and effect of the Norway Grants to the Latvian probation and prison service. NTNU.

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Published Sep. 7, 2020 1:31 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2023 2:41 PM