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Events - Page 3

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg. Domus Academica and zoom

Cand. jur Erik Nadheim will be defending the thesis "Victims of crime and the rule of law" for the degree of PhD.

Original title: "Kriminalitetsofre og rettssikkerhet – Om tekst som taler og hva det sier som ikke blir sagt".


Time and place: , Professorboligen, Det juridiske fakultet

Forskningsprosjektene PRISUD og PRISONHEALTH og stiftelsen WayBack arrangerer frokostseminar om fengselsforskning. 

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1st floor, Domus Academica and zoom

Elisabeth Myhre Lie will be defending the thesis "The Different Police. Ideals and dilemmas in the preventative dialogue-based efforts of the Norwegian Police" for the degree of PhD.

Original title: "Annerledespolitiet. Idealer og dilemmaer i politiets forebyggende dialogarbeid"

Time and place: , Brac University, Dhaka

The University of Oslo and the Center for Peace and Justice, Brac University co-organize an event on international refugee law and the Rohingya refugee situation in Bangladesh.

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Domus Juridica, Auditorium 2

How does a trace turn into evidence and legal knowledge? The research projects Evidently Rape and Digital DNA follow forensic traces from the crime scene to the courtroom. Join the conference «Evidence in Motion».

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1st floor, Domus Academica and zoom

Master of Science Nina Sunde at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law and the Norwegian Police University College will be defending the thesis "Constructing digital evidence. A study on how cognitive and human factors affect digital evidence" for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1st floor. Domus Academica and zoom

Master of Science Nina Sunde will give a trial lecture on the given topic: What are the implications and potential blind spots of the proliferation of cognitive psychology in the professionalization of detective’s work?

Time and place: , Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo

Spørsmål om samiske rettigheter og forholdet mellom den norske staten og Sapmi står øverst på den politiske dagsorden. Tema for årets symposium er kompetanse og kunnskapsbygging. Hva slags samerettslig kompetanse trenger jurister for å identifisere og løse sentrale samfunnsmessige problemstillinger?

Time and place: , Frokostkjelleren, Karl Johans gate 47

Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi (IKRS) inviterer til faglig debatt om den nye kvitteringsordningen som trer i kraft i Oslo i år.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. et. Domus Academica and zoom

Master of Philosophy Dorina Damsa at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law will be defending the thesis "Women and bordered penality in the Nordic welfare state" for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg. Domus Academica and zoom

Master of Philosophy Dorina Damsa will give a trial lecture on a prescribed topic, entitled: What are the benefits of applying a border criminology framework, particularly regarding the concept of 'crimmigration', and evaluate the possible criticisms toward this framework?

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Domus Juridica

Olivier van Beemen presents his new book on structural corporate misbehavior in Africa.

Time and place: , DJ: Møterom 8113

PhD candidate Maria Hansen at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law (IKRS) will present her doctorate project: "Too drunk to fuck? Exploring the boundaries between consensual and non-consensual drunken sexual encounters".

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg. Domus Academica and zoom

Master in Sociology Thomas Anton Sandøy will be defending the thesis "Alternative sanctions for young drug offenders. From punishment to help?" for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Domus Juridica: Room 8113

In this event, we will meet J.C. Salyer, the author of Court of Injustice, published by Stanford University Press (2020). This important book investigates how immigration lawyers work to achieve just results for their clients in a system that has long denigrated the rights of those they serve.

Time and place: , DJ: Møterom 3215

Do Polish migrants engage in sex work while in Norway? If so, what is their situation? In this seminar we aim to shed light on that with presentations both about the conditions of sex workers in Poland, the current situation of sex workers in Norway and Polish migration to Norway.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1st floor Domus Academica and zoom

LLM Özlem Gürakar-Skribeland at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law will be defending the thesis Forced Return of Migrants to Transit Countries – A Case of Competing Sovereigns for the degree of Ph.D. 

Time and place: , Zoom

PhD candidate Marte Rua at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law (IKRS) will present her doctorate project: "Isolasjon under frihetsberøvelse".

Time and place: , Zoom

Open for all interested. Please register your participation.

Time and place: , Zoom

Hvordan man tolker bevis er en av de store utfordringene for både rettsmedisinere og jurister. Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi har invitert rettsgenetikeren Peter Gill til å presentere forskning på produksjon og formidling av DNA-bevis.

Time and place: , zoom

Kristina Kepinska Jakobsen will be defending the thesis  Objectivity and empathy in investigative interview of victims for the degree of Ph.D.

Original title:  Objektivitet og empati i avhør av fornærmede  - en kvalitativ undersøkelse av norske politiavhør

The disputation will be held in Norwegian.

Time and place: , zoom

Master of Administration and Organization Theory Martin Nøkleberg at Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law will be defending the thesis Policing global hubs – A study of the Norwegian airport and maritime port security environments for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , zoom

John Todd-Kvam at Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law will be defending the thesis; Understanding desistance and penality in Norway: discourses, practices and experiences for the degree of Ph.D.

Time and place: , Zoom

How has government policies and local interventions adopted to curb the spread of Covid-19 affected prisoners in penal institutions and elderly residents of nursing homes across Sweden, Denmark and Norway?

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg. Domus Academica

Master in Criminology Anja Emilie Kruse will be defending the thesis The Why, the Who and the Wherefore. Explanations, self-change and social friction in men’s narratives of sexual violations for the degree of Ph.D.