Free Movement of People Regimes

Free Movement of People Regimes have become integral to international law developments on migration. Considering their number and relevance, it is astonishing that they have so far been largely ignored by international and migration lawyers.

Photo of an airport sign that says "Passkontrolle / Passport control" with an EU logo

About the seminar

Free Movement of People Regimes (FMPRs) have become integral to international law developments on migration. Considering their number and relevance, it is astonishing that FMPRs have been largely ignored by international and migration lawyers. As of yet, no systematic empirical analysis of these legal instruments has been offered, leaving them as a sort of ‘obscure object’ in international law. No academically agreed upon conceptualisation nor official definition of FMPRs exist and relatively little critical analysis has been advanced about FMPRs’ theoretical and practical implications.

Dr. Jacopo Martire will present a paper (co-authored with Professor Diego Acosta Arcarazo) that aims to fill this gap by addressing two questions.

First: Is it possible, on the basis of current international instruments devoted to mobility liberalisation, to advance a working definition of FMPRs that would frame their ideal-type and capture their differentia specifica? 

Second: If this definition is possible, what are its underlying assumptions, rolling implications, and normative and practical consequences?

Given the current discursive ubiquity of FMPRs and their immense practical impact on millions of people and scores of states, it is necessary to ask what we are talking about when we talk about FMPRs so as to begin to engage with their deeper workings.


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About the speaker

Dr. Martire is Senior Lecturer in Legal Theory, and teaches Jurisprudence, Law and State, European Union Law, and Social and Legal Theory. His main area of research is in legal and political theory with a specific focus on a reconstruction of the fundamental ideological structures of modern law in light of Michel Foucault’s theories.

See Dr. Martire's staff profile for more information about his research.

Published Nov. 13, 2023 10:08 PM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2023 10:08 PM