BEYOND book proposal accepted by Brill

The BEYOND project has been offered a contract for an edited collection in Brill's International Refugee Law Series. 

Image showing the first page of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees

Photo: United Nations Treaty Collection

The open access book, titled 'Non-signatory States in International Refugee Law' will be edited by Professor Maja Janmyr, Dr. Arjumand Bano Kazmi, and Dr. Özlem Gürakar Skribeland.

It brings together research examining the relationship between international legal norms and institutions focused on the protection of refugees, and states that are non-signatory to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. The book aims to show how international refugee law manifests itself in dynamic ways also in non-signatory states and how those states in turn contribute to its development both in substance and in practice. As such, it seeks to instigate further debate on the function and impact of international refugee law beyond treaty obligations.

– We are thrilled to have a book contract to publish in BRILL's International Refugee Law Series edited by Professor David Cantor. The book's aims and outlook align strongly with the series' aim of understanding how refugee law evolves with a rich geographic diversity, says Maja Janmyr, PI of the BEYOND project and co-editor of the book.

The edited collection will feature contributions from 18 authors, several of whom are based in or have a background from non-signatory countries. The contributions are legally informed and richly contextualised at the same time, providing empirical, conceptual, critical and historical insights into why the Refugee Convention matters globally and beyond treaty law. While some of the chapters are based on single-country case studies, others are multi-sited and comparative.

– This book can be seen as a centerpiece of our wider efforts to develop a truly global perspective on the nature of international refugee law. The BEYOND project has indeed been instrumental in instigating debate among scholars and practitioners on these topics, Janmyr continues.

In preparation for publication, the BEYOND project is organizing an author's workshop in Oslo between 28 – 30 of August 2024. The workshop, where contributors will share chapter drafts and receive feedback, will provide a fantastic opportunity for collaboration between scholars who rarely have the chance to work together in person. 

For more information on Brill's International Refugee Law Series visit: Brill

By Maisie Fitzmaurice
Published May 24, 2024 12:27 PM - Last modified May 24, 2024 12:27 PM