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Criminal justice, wildlife conservation and animal rights in the Anthropocene

Three wolves howling in the forest.

Photo: Scanpix

About the project

CRIMEANTHROP explores the regulation, rationale behind and enforcement of wildlife conservation, the normative and socio-legal messages of this enforcement, and their implications for wildlife conservation and individual animal welfare.

We will use interdisciplinary grounded theoretical and methodological angles and further contribute towards developing international green criminology.

These approaches enable us to present a comprehensive analysis of contemporary wildlife management, human-animal relations and animal rights. Policies and regulations of CITES and the Bern Convention and their impact concerning wildlife trade and human management of endangered predator species will be examined in four countries with different, local, and socio-legal conditions: Norway, as primary site of investigation, with UK, Germany, and Spain as supporting case studies. Qualitative methodologies; interviews with politicians and bureaucrats, law enforcement agencies and NGOs (e.g. WWF,NOAH) will be employed in each case country. CITES and the Bern Convention, national preparatory works, legislation and case law will be subject to discourse analysis. We will empirically and theoretically explore the implementation of CITES and the Bern Convention in the four locations, building on and expanding green criminology scholarship through interdisciplinary approaches from law, political science, criminology, and philosophy. 


  • To empirically and theoretically explore whether the messages of international conventions (CITES and Bern), and consequently their regulation/legislation and implementation, are ambiguous concerning wildlife protection and animal welfare in Norway, UK, Germany, and Spain.
  • To broaden and develop green criminology as a field through interdisciplinary, international cooperation.
  • To examine whether unclear normative messages conveyed by CITES and the Bern Convention may hinder implementation and compliance as well as the achievement of further goals such as awareness raising, wildlife conservation, and ecosystem protection.
  • To theoretically and empirically explore possible differences in influences and outcomes of  political decision making concerning wildlife management in order to assess whether this affects states' success in complying with CITES and the Bern Convention and their practices concerning individual and species protection.


If the implications of CRIMEANTHROP's hypotheses prove true; that the messages conveyed by the conventions are ambiguous; failing to educate about and protect endangered species; and that individual and species protection is insufficiently integrated into member states' conservation approaches resulting in continued exploitation  and abuse, then endangered wildlife and species survival will be further threatened, prolonging and strengthening species extinction.

Policy briefs



CRIMEANTHROP is funded by the Research Council of Norway's Independent projects (FRIPRO) programme.


This is a cooperation between project partners University of Northumbria, University of Colorado Denver and University of Granada. 

Results from the project

List of project results from the project partners.


  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2024). The implementation of CITES in Norway, a longitudinal approach to the assessment of enforcement from a species justice perspective. In Sollund, Ragnhild & Lie, Martine S.B. (Ed.), Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene. Bristol University Press. ISSN 9781529223354. p. 36–51.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2024). Specicism and the non-human. In Pontell, Henry (Eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780190264079.
  • Lie, Martine S.B. (2024). Legal Versus Illegal Hunts: A Species Justice Perspective on Wolf and Bear Theriocides in Norway. In Sollund, Ragnhild & Lie, Martine S.B. (Ed.), Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene. Bristol University Press. ISSN 9781529223354. p. 17–36. doi: 10.56687/9781529223385-004.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Lie, Martine S.B. (2024). Introduction. In Sollund, Ragnhild & Lie, Martine S.B. (Ed.), Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene. Bristol University Press. ISSN 9781529223354. p. 1–17. doi: 10.56687/9781529223385-003.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Lie, Martine S.B. (2024). Conclusion. In Sollund, Ragnhild & Lie, Martine S.B. (Ed.), Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene. Bristol University Press. ISSN 9781529223354. p. 205–215. doi: 10.56687/9781529223385-014.
  • Rodriguez Goyes, David (2023). National legislative adoption of international wildlife law after treaty ratification. Crime, law and social change. ISSN 0925-4994. doi: 10.1007/s10611-023-10117-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Wildlife trade and law enforcement: A proposal for a remodelling of CITES incorporating species justice, ecojustice, and environmental justice. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology. ISSN 0306-624X. 66(9), p. 1017–1035. doi: 10.1177/0306624X221099492.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Handelen med ville og eksotiske dyr i Norge: Død og pine? Miljøkrim : tidsskrift for miljøkriminalitet. ISSN 1501-5920.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). A Gendered Case File Analysis of Reptile Trafficking and Illegal Keeping in Norway. In Agu, Helen & Gore, Meredith (Ed.), Women and Wildlife Trafficking: Participants, Perpetrators and Victims. Routledge. ISSN 9780367640262. doi: https:/
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Handel med truede dyrearter og håndhevelse i Norge: foreløpige resultater fra CRIMEANTHROP. Miljøkrim : tidsskrift for miljøkriminalitet. ISSN 1501-5920.
  • Rodriguez Goyes, David (2022). The importance of stories in wildlife management. Ecological Management & Restoration. ISSN 1442-7001. 23(3). doi: 10.1111/emr.12567. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Non-Speciecist Criminology. Wildlife Trade, and Animal Victimization. In Erez, Edna & Ibarra, Peter (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780190883140.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Forskerens frihet og plikt til å tale dyrenes sak. In Pettersen, Arnfinn (Eds.), Ingen frihet uten ytringsfrihet. Humanist Forlag. ISSN 978-82-8282-205-3.
  • Lie, Martine S. B. (2021). “Humane Theriocides”: Traces of Compassion for Animals in the Norwegian Legal Discourse on Illegal Bear and Wolf Killings. Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental. ISSN 2014-038X. 12(1). doi: 10.17345/rcda3085. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Rodriguez Goyes, David (2021). State-organized crime and the killing of wolves in Norway. Trends in Organized Crime. ISSN 1084-4791. 24, p. 467–484. doi: 10.1007/s12117-021-09420-3. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rodriguez Goyes, David (2021). CONTENDING PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFE LAW: A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF CITES AND THE BERN CONVENTION . Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental. ISSN 2014-038X. 12(1), p. 1–35. doi: 10.17345/rcda3051. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Introduction to the special issue of CRIMEANTHROP: Criminal Justice, wildlife conservation and animal rights in the ANTHROPOCENE. Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental. ISSN 2014-038X. 12(1). doi: 10.17345/RCDA3112. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). The development of the enforcement of CITES in Norway: Discretionary omissions and theriocides. Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental. ISSN 2014-038X. 12(1). doi: 10.17345/rcda3086. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Green Criminology: Its Foundation in Critical Criminology and the Way Forward. . The Howard Journal of Communications. ISSN 1064-6175. 60(3), p. 304–322. doi: 10.1111/hojo.12421. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2020). Wildlife Crime: A Crime of Hegemonic Masculinity? Social Sciences. ISSN 2076-0760. 9(6). doi: 10.3390/socsci9060093.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2019). Wildlife Management, Species Injustice and Ecocide in the Anthropocene. Critical Criminology. ISSN 1205-8629. p. 1–19. doi: 10.1007/s10612-019-09469-1.

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  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Lie, Martine S.B. (2024). Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene. Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529223354. 232 p.

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  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2024). UNODC - Gendered Dimensions of Crimes that Affect the Environment.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2024). Hvilken beskyttelse har ville dyr som trues med utryddelse?
  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Lie, Martine S.B. (2024). Hunting and the myth of wildlife protection. Transforming Society.
  • Lie, Martine S.B. (2023). Are legal hunts more ‘species just’ than illegal hunts? An analysis of wolf and bear theriocides in Norway.
  • Lie, Martine S.B. (2023). Legal mobilization on behalf of Norwegian wolves.
  • Lie, Martine S.B. (2023). Uplanlagt illegal rovdyrjakt som «situasjonell handling».
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2023). Dyrisk: Kva er eit dyr? [Internet]. DAG OG TID podcast.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2023). Three dead parrots show need for proper ban on wildlife trade.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2023). Three dead parrots show need for proper ban on wildlife trade. Cosmos.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2023). Smugling av dyr er milliardbutikk . [Radio]. NRK Ekko.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2023). Three dead parrots show need for proper ban on wildlife trade. BigNewsNetwork.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2023). Hvorfor skal slike dyr drepes? Dagsavisen.
  • Lie, Martine S. B. (2022). Project update.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild; Stefes, Christoph & South, Nigel (2022). Panel: Criminal justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene: Findings from a Research Project. Paper: Wildlife Trafficking in Norway and the Enforcement of CITES: Trends from a Decade.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Wildlife trafficking, enforcement and species justice - Invited speech for of Centre for Human/Animal Studies .
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Grønn kriminologi. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0800-336X. 39(2), p. 166–170. doi: 10.18261/nnt.39.2.7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Environmental Crime & Gender: Wildlife Crime and Gender.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild; Wyatt, Tanya; Stefes, Christoph; Goyes, David Rodríguez; Brisman, Avi & South, Nigel [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2022). CRIMEANTHROP.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Presentation of findings from case study–Norway: Wildlife trafficking: Control, enforcement and species justice.
  • Wyatt, Tanya & Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Presentation of findings from case study – UK. The implementation and enforcement of CITES and the Bern Convention. .
  • Fajardo, Teresa & Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Presentation of findings from case study–Spain. The implementation and enforcement of CITES and the Bern Convention .
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Roundtable presentation: Eating ET: Carnism, veganism and animal abuse.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Wildlife trade, law enforcement and a proposal for a radical shift in nature conservation.
  • Stefes, Christoph & Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Presentation of findings from case study– Germany. The implementation and enforcement of CITES and the Bern Convention.
  • Rodriguez Goyes, David & Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). State-organized crime and the killing of wolves in Norway.
  • Rodriguez Goyes, David (2022). The importance of stories in wildlife management.
  • Rodriguez Goyes, David (2022). The importance of stories in wildlife management.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Heksejakt på ulven. Dagbladet.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Wildlife Trafficking, enforcement and species justice.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Wildlife Crime & Gender.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Panel: Criminal justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene: Findings.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). CRIMEANTHROP - panel and paper.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Mennesket – dyrenes beste venn? [Radio]. NRK Ekko.
  • Reinhardt, Stefanie & Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). På tide med et oppgjør. Dagbladet.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). Why Is Norway Killing Trafficked Wildlife? [Business/trade/industry journal]. RealClear Science.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2022). To Curb Smuggling, Norway Has Been Killing Confiscated Wildlife. [Internet]. UNDARK.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). CRIMEANTHROP.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Slipp dyrene fri, det er vår! . Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Rodriguez Goyes, David (2021). Ratification, so what? The Norwegian adoption of international wildlife law.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Presentation of research from Norway: The Development of Enforcement of CITES in Norway: Discretionary Omissions and Theoricides.
  • Lie, Martine S. B. (2021). Presentation of research from Norway: “Humane Theriocides”: Traces of Compassion for Animals in the Norwegian Legal Discourse on Illegal Bear and Wolf Killings.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Wildlife trade and crime.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Norge skyter ulv ulovlig. Kan vi da forvente at andre land tar vare på sine truede arter?
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Hvor mye skal ulven tåle? . Dagsavisen. ISSN 1503-2892.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Ulovlig handel med truede arter.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Rodriguez Goyes, David (2021). Correction to: State‑organized crime and the killing of wolves in Norway (Trends in Organized Crime, (2021), 24, 4, (467-484), 10.1007/s12117-021-09420-3). Trends in Organized Crime. ISSN 1084-4791. 24(4). doi: 10.1007/s12117-021-09427-w.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Invited speech about wildlife trafficking.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Kontrollen med, og omfang av, illegal handel med truede dyrearter i Norge.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Ecocide/Speciesism: Revisiting Hierarchy in the Anthropocene.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). CRIMEANTHROP - panel and paper about wildlife trafficking.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Ny bok setter spørsmålstegn ved dyrs rettigheter. [Newspaper]. Nationen.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Skjebnen til 25 ulver avgjøres denne uken. Når skal den norske naturkrigen ta slutt?
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Bør dyr få universelle rettigheter? [Newspaper]. Morgenbladet.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Dette er grunnene til at vi behandler noen dyr bra og andre så dårlig.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Om innstilling til dyr. [Radio]. NRK Studio 2.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). HANDS OFF, MENNESKER. [Newspaper]. Klassekampen.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). Hvilke rettigheter har dyr? [Radio]. NRK Ekko.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2021). How Animal Trafficking Became One of the Most Lucrative Industries on the Planet. [Internet]. Sentient.
  • Lie, Martine S. B. (2020). An assessment of NGOs’ use of “lawfare” as a strategy to ensure compliance with the Bern Convention and protection of endangered large predators in Norway.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Topdahl, Rolv Christian (2020). Mener Kina ikke går langt nok i å forhindre en ny pandemi. NRK.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2020). Internasjonale konvensjoner rettferdiggjør handel med ville dyr . [Business/trade/industry journal]. Apollon.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2020). Urix på lørdag. [Radio]. NRK URIX.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2019). The Critical Criminologist: Spotlight. The Critical Criminologist: Spotlight. 27(2).
  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Myrtveit, Aase Cathrine (2019). Handel med ville dyr. NRK.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild & Ystehede, Per Jørgen (2019). International conventions on the wrong track . [Internet]. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Lie, Martine Synnøve Bergersen (2019). Large predator management versus the intrinsic value of animals.
  • Rodríguez Goyes, David (2019). Legal and moral foundations of CITES and Bern conventions: Priorities, conflicts and ambiguities.
  • Ystehede, Per Jørgen & Sollund, Ragnhild (2019). Internasjonale konvensjoner på villspor. [Internet]. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2019). Crimeanthrope .
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2019). Ikke lat som om de er beskyttet. [Newspaper]. Dagsavisen.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2019). Troféjakt, konservering og etikk. [Newspaper]. Dagens Næringsliv.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2019). Panel and launch of research project.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2019). Handel med ville dyr. [Radio]. NRK Verdibørsen.
  • Sollund, Ragnhild (2018). Umoralsk norsk ulvejakt. Dagsavisen. ISSN 1503-2892.

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Published Mar. 20, 2019 4:29 PM - Last modified Feb. 8, 2024 2:38 PM